Chapter One

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I'm minding my own buisness, guiding my globe pixies to globe accidents and repairs when suddenly I'm gathered in a bag along with some of my pixies by North's yetti's.

It's dark here and my pixie helpers are still startled. This isn't unusual for me, but it is for them, I notice my lead pixie is next to me, she must've just gotten back from her assignment. She's not scared so she must've noticed the yetti's, while I didn't.

We're realeased from the bag and come spilling out, I quickly jump to my feet and fix the dark vest and white dress shirt of my suit, brushing the dust from my camo skinny jeans. Once I look up I see more people than expected and take a step back.

"That is much more people than there is for your usual orders, North."

The Easter Bunny is here along with the Sandman and Toothiana, there's also a white haired boy whom I recognise as Jack Frost.


And that's just today!

I shot a quick glare at him that went unnoticed.

"It's not a globe order you're here for,my friend. But that too! Snow, Pitch is back." I looked at North startled.

"Pitch? Pitch BLACK?! Oh no. Swirling snows, no." I started pacing while muttering to myself.

"Snow. Snow. Nowa! Nowalinda!" North got my attention.


"There's a new Guardian."

I perked up and looked at him curiously, waiting to know who.

"It's you."

I slowly placed my hand on my chest and gave an inquisitive look, he nodded my confirmation.

I knew the oath was about to start so I reached into my vest and pulled out a globe, thinking of home and throwing it on the floor I fled with my globe pixies.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2017 ⏰

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