New Year, New Life.... er no.

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Finally, the 2-months-school holiday has ended for the students. It's time for them to be back to school.

It's already 6.45, Saera IS STILL SLEEPING! Nah, actually she already woke up at 5.58 but then thought it was too early. Too early her ass! She didn't iron her school uniform yet, her books are still not organize, the socks are nowhere.

" Saera honey. Are you done? I make breakfast already!" Hoping that her daughter will respindto her. Little did she know, her daughter is still sleeping.

" YAH! Its almost 7.00 am! You gotta go to school at 7.00 . Why are you still sleeping?! You cant be late! Wake up!!" Her mom just got into her room and shake her daughter like crazy. Saera woke up, not knowing anything, what happened. "Huh?" She peek at the clock. My oh my! Its almost 6.55. " OMO OMMA WHY DIDNT YOU WOKE ME UP EARLIER!!"

" This kid, trying to blame me. You better go take a shower, smelly! Ill pack the breakfast for you. " her mom said.

" Please iron my school uniform too! Please ! Please! Please!" Saera shouted from her bathroom. Her mon couldn't said anything but help her daughter, as its already late for her.

Saera literally just brushing her teeth, wash her face and take shower a little bit and quickly went outside, she quickly take the books for today into her bag. Her mom give her the school uniform and she wear it quickly. Saera just wear the socks, not mind if its a wrong pair or whatever.

" Bye mom, love you!! " went out the door really quickly and run to school as the school is luckily, near her house. She looks at her watch ots 7.25 already! The class has started while she's still outside of the school gate, running.

" OUCH! CANT YOU SEE PEOPLE WALKING HERE!?" she practically shouted at the person while the man already ran away. Well, shouted for nothing. She pick up her books from the ground but then suddenly a pair of hands is helping her. She look up .......

It's the healing smile....
The healing smile..... Her mouth is open a little bit. Could this be real? This guy really help her? What?
Wait what? " a.aah t..t..hank you em" she didnt know what to say as she's looking at his crush gorgeous baby-skined (lol) face. Would my new year wish come true? She's fantasizing while Yuta has already walk away. Suddenly, the bell ring woke her up from her fantasize dreammmm.

Sighing, she walk to her class and knock at the door.

' Eh? Where are the others?' She thought as she entered the empty class. She put her bag on the chair and ask the school staff. Thankfully the staff know! Theyre at the computer lab..

" Have a nice day. Nice socks btw!" The staff said while looking at her legs and went off. Saera look at her socks. Dang! The socks are totally different! She blush in embarrasement. The left foot was a blue sock while the right was a grey one! Good job Saera! She facepalm herself.

She went to the lab and went inside slowly. She thought that no one will notice but then.... Every eyes are on her. She bow down slowly. Awkwardly say hi and went to the teacher as she's late. But... But

She see the healing smile there! Yuta is here! Is he gonna be her classmate this year? She didnt realize she just stand in front awkwardly until her teacher call for her. She explain why she's late but her eyes couldnt stop looking at Yuta... Suddenly Yuta made an eye contact with her. And smile.

He smiles at her. He DID THAT.

' Does he remember me?'


to be continued.

[ please vote and comment what you'd think of this 1st chapter, sorry that my grammar suck bc eng is not my native language hehe. Thanks !] ❤

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