Blood of the Infinity War (Teaser)

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Chapter 1

Intimidating Interrogation

I opened my eyes to see I was being blinded by the sun and I blinked back the dark spots in my eyes a few times before things started to become clear.

"Wakey, wakey, sunshine."

" that you?" I asked in a groggy voice that grated on the back of my throat as if I was trying to swallow sandpaper.

"The one and only," she said in her usual happy tone.

"Where am I?" I asked trying to sit up but finding it too difficult to accomplish.

"Well, you're not in Kansas anymore," she said and my eyes widened.

"We're home!? We finally made it back...back in time!?" I shouted no matter how painful it felt to the back of my throat.

"Uh, well about that..." she started to say as I lifted myself up to look for myself where we were. The first thing I saw was the desert sand outside of the stone arched window and my heart started to sink.

We were still in Persia.

But this wasn't the worst part I now faced. Not when I saw the tall looming figure of Draven standing at the bottom of the bed with his arms folded.

Pip looked back over her shoulder and said,

"We have some explaining to do," then gave me an 'oh shit' face that I was no doubt mirroring.

"Leave us, Imp!" The sound of Draven's stern order sounded like it verged on deadly. I swallowed hard, for once welcoming the burn it caused. For there he stood in all his battle won glory as he may have been about to lose against the God, but against the Romans, it was easily classed as a victory. Which had me wondering, what must he have thought when seeing me that way? I can very easily say it was probably the first time he had seen a human woman go up against such odds...but then again, after that, could I ever really class myself as just human?

"Righty O...laters chickyd..."

"NOW!" Draven snapped interrupting her and making me frown up at him. Pip flinched and gave me a small smile before saying,

"Outta here!" Then she ran from the room as he snarled at her when she passed. This managed to do only one thing and that was morph my fear into anger.

"Don't speak to her like that!" I snapped and he gave me a look that said this was the very last thing he expected me to say...something he clearly wasn't happy about.

"I can speak to the Lesser Demon however I please...I am her King," he stated arrogantly and I laughed once without humour.

"Yes, well I wouldn't let her husband hear you say that, if you value your life that is!" I told him whipping back the covers and shifting off the bed, soon realising that thankfully I was dressed. I took a second to see that I was wearing a long red and gold kaftan dress that was pulled in at the waist thanks to the long crimson sash I had tied to one side.

"And here I was, thinking you finally knew the depths of the position I hold and with it the immeasurable power, for a threat like that has little effect on a King of my kind," he told me firmly and I rolled my eyes thinking for once he had no clue. Well, this was certainly a turnaround of events I thought wryly. Back in my world I was usually the one without a clue in a world that held only endless questions for me to ask but now, it seemed I was nearly 2000 years ahead of him.

"And where do you think you are going?!" he said blocking my path. I had to say that if I thought he was intimidating before, then crossing his arms across his still bloody breastplate and now in all his battle worn gear, it definitely had me taking a cautious step back.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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