Chapter Ten

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I wake up unintentionally at four in the morning because I am so excited to start working on Matilda. I groan and shove my face in my pillow. I listen to the noises of the city outside of my window, but I still can't fall asleep. Because I am not going to be falling back asleep, and there is no one else in the theatre, I start warming up for my first rehearsal of Matilda.

I do a few of my warmups from choir class, but eventually I end up singing Say no to This. Ever since I started the musical, I can't get it out of my head. It's such an amazing song, and it really shows off my range. I sing it all the time.

Thankfully there is no one else in the theatre, so my extremely out-of-tune singing at four thirty doesn't bother anyone. I sing for a little longer, then decide to read. I already finished all three books I borrowed from Renée's dressing room, so I decide to go return them and find more.

I find the twilight books, and decide to read them because I've heard so much about them. But as I am leaving, I spot a copy of Matilda. I decide I had better read it, because I'll be in the musical soon, and bring it back to my room. I start reading Matilda on one of my beanbag chairs. I have it finished by 7:30, because it's a pretty short book.

I start to get ready for my first practice for Matilda. I take a quick shower, then blow-dry my hair. I brush it out, then throw it up in a messy bun. I look at my self in the mirror, considering my decision. Then I take out the bun. I need to make a good impression on the cast, I think. I carefully pull my hair into a high ponytail. I put a little mascara on, then go back into my room and stand in front of my closet. I look through my small selection of clothes and decide to wear a pair of distressed jeans and my shirt that reads and Peggy. I lace up my red high-top converse.

I look at myself in my mirror. No one would guess that I'm an orphan that was adopted by the cast of Hamilton. No one would guess that I'm going to a rehearsal for a broadway show. And for sure, no one would guess that I don't have parents. That I've been living with one meal a day. That I only have an iPhone 2.

I text Lin telling him that I'm going to rehearsal. He texts back Good luck! with about a million smiley faces after. I put my phone and wallet in my purse and head outside.

The Shubert Theatre is just a few blocks away from the Richard Rogers. I walk up to the doors and ring the bell. After a few moments, someone walks up to the door and opens it.

"Hi, you must be Hazel?" The person asks.

"Um, yes," I reply.

"I'm Jessica," she tells me, "the rest of the cast is onstage. I'll take you over."

"Okay," I respond. I follow her through the hall and up some stairs. Then we are in the theatre. I gasp. This one is just as big as the Richard Rogers. There is a collection of people sitting on the stage.

"Hey Jessica," someone calls. "Is this the new girl?"

"Yes, this is Hazel," Jessica says to the man. He looks like he is about 30, with dark hair. He is tall and lean. "Everyone say hello."

A chorus of his and heys rings out through the theatre. "I'm Quinn Mattfeld." The tall guy says.

Three girls a little younger than me introduce themselves as Gabby, Mia, and Mabel. They look about thirteen. Thankfully, I've always looked young for my age, otherwise I'm sure I wouldn't have gotten this role. I'm small and skinny, and I have the facial features of a little girl. The rest of the people onstage also introduce themselves.

"Gabby is leaving the show soon," Jessica says. Gabby nods, looking sad.

"My mom is making me," she says. "I'm starting high school this year. She wants me to get involved in extracurricular activities or whatever."

I nod. "We told her we're going to all her school plays," the woman I remember as Jennifer says.

"I bet you'll get all the leads," I tell her.

"Duh!" Mia says.

"She's the best Matilda," Mabel agrees.

"Well," someone says. I recognize them as the choreographer, "we'd better start teaching you the role. We need you ready by the time school starts for Gabby."

"Okay," I reply.

"Let's go!" Mia says, "we have a show tonight, and I get to be Matilda!"

"No fair, it's a Friday! You always get the Friday shows!" Gabby complains.

"Gabby, you just did last Friday," Mabel tries.

Gabby just sighs. I smile at them. I like this cast already.


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't written in a while! I've gotten a lot more reads and comments lately, so I decided to write. This isn't my best chapter, but I wanted to get back into the mood. I want to do more with the Hamilton cast, so HMU if you have any plot ideas. I have a few but I honestly have no idea where this book is going. Thanks for all the views and comments!


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