Super Intelligence Potion

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Owl's Brain
3 1/2 of Avocado Peels
Dragon Blood
Natural Acid from Acid Rain
Piece of Paper
Rare 7 Petaled Clover plant
10 cups Fresh Water

1. Get Cauldron and start a fire using Red Firestone.
2. Pour in 10 cups of Fresh Water, Let Water boil.
3. Take a Mortar and Pestle, Crush a pair of Glasses.
4. Slice the Owl's Brain into sixteens take one and put it to the mixture, if you want to be mega smart, put the whole owl's barin to the mixture.
5. Add a Metal Horseshoe for Good Luck.
6. Put in a Rare 7 Petaled Clover Plant.
7. Add in the Natural Acid.
8. Take the Crushed Glasses and put it in the Cauldron.
9. Put in the 3 1/2 Avocado Peel.
10. Pour Dragon Blood to the mixture.
11. Put in a piece of paper to the mixture.
12. Stir until potion becomes Pink or Pinkish Blue.

The Book of Magic POTIONS Volume 16Where stories live. Discover now