|8|First Mission.

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She never liked hospitals. The thought of her being in one, for an extended amount of time, made her feel sick. That's why she never listened to the doctor when they told her to stay there for a couple of days. As soon as she was awake, she would walk out of the hospital via the door or she would jump out of the window.

Her leg was shaking as she stayed seated on the plain hospital bed. Her violet eyes flickered from item to item, eyeing the things in the room. It was silent in the room apart from the noise from the outside. As soon as the door slid open her eyes shot to watch as the lady walked in, a clipboard and a small white paper bag in hand.

The dull looking lady smiled at Mina, walking closer to her. "You've been recovering well, faster than most people. Just take one in the morning and one at night, they'll help you." She informed, handing the Uzumaki the paper bag.

"Help me with what?" Mina asked hesitantly. She got no reply from the nurse, who smiled and shooed her out of the room.

When she was on her way home, she had a little peek at what the contents were. Two, quite large glass bottles with a small piece of paper, were rattling softly as Mina continued to walk down the road. One of the glass bottles had a blue cap and the other had a white cap, instantly she realised that one would be for morning and the other would be for the night.

With a sigh, she stopped walking when she noticed she was standing on a familiar looking hill. Her eyes scanned the area, remembering the time she met Shikamaru here after she returned to the village. Her face remained blank.

"What's in the bag?"

At the sound of the lazy voice, she hid the white bag behind her back and put on a large grin. "Shikamaru!" She exclaimed, not answering his question. "What are you doing here?"

The brown haired male sighed, taking note of her odd behaviour. "...This is where I always go." He answered yawning. "What a drag..." Sighing, he closed his eyes and tried to go to sleep again. He wasn't able to, knowing that the Uzumaki was watching him.

"Ino was looking for you." Mina suddenly spoke, making the brown haired male raise an eyebrow with his eyes still closed. "Can't remember why though," She muttered the last part to herself, although it was heard by the boy.

"....I'll need to on a mission, see you." He suddenly spoke, boredness clear in his voice. Standing up he walked away from the girl.

Mina enthusiastically waved and continued with a skip in her step to her destination. She quickly sealed the paper bag in her bracelet, before anyone else noticed it was from the hospital. It was the easiest thing she could do to avoid any other questions.

"MINA!" The voice of Hideki caught her attention. Spinning on her heel, she turned to face the tall red-pink eyed boy.

"Hey, Hideki." Mina greeted back with a grin, turning back around when the pale boy was next to her. He fell into step with her as they both walked down the memorised streets of Konoha, passing shops and houses.

"Why aren't you wearing your new clothes?" He questioned, starting a conversation.

She laughed nervously, scratching the back of her neck. "Well, I thought I would wear it when I go on a mission!"

"Well, I guess you'll be wearing it soon." He smiled watching the shorter girl freeze. Her eyes widened, a certain sparkle appearing in them.



With a skip in her step, she grabbed Hideki's wrist and started to tug him along. Dragging him through an alleyway, a shortcut to the Hokage tower. Though Mina wasn't expecting herself shoved to the side of a building. She glanced to the side, noticing that someone's arm was caging her in, not allowing her to escape easily. She looked forward, eyes instantly widening when they met the familiar pinkish-red eyes she had always stared at when she was younger.

The Demon They Once Feared. {BOOK 2}Where stories live. Discover now