Tv and ME

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When I first saw it

I liked it, I loved it

I brought it home

I gave it a place in my bedroom

At first it wasn’t much friendly

Then I understood his problem

I did some work with it

It smiled and

Showed me something bright

It taught me science, showing DISCOVERY

It introduced animal showing National Geography

It entertained me showing HBO

Its told me about History showing Fox History

It made me laugh showing POGO

It kept me updated about the world showing BBC

It helped me in lifestyle showing FTV

We spent nights together

Just watching each other

Then it made me cry showing nothing but itself on the floor

Its screen was shattered

Its body was broken

I realized how much drunk I was last night

And I myself hit him and kick it out of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2012 ⏰

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