Spidey Senses

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Introduction// Author's Note:

So, hi. I know I have many things going on that are not completed but here I am starting something else. Anywho, I could not help myself; I am literally too obsessed at the moment.
So here's the deal; basically, I am super in love with Spiderman, like I always have been. He's my favorite superhero of all time; although, I am, ironically, deadly afraid of spiders. Anyway, I am constantly "writing" things in my head that have to do with Spiderman and Peter Parker (because, obviously, I am also hopelessly in love with that nerd, even though he's fictional).  I always have so many things in here that I have decided that I might as well write and share them. I'm not sure if they'll be any good, to be completely honest, but here they are, or will be.
I am also terribly in love with Tom Holland at the moment, or rather, what he's  done with the character. And I mean, he's adorable, so there's that...
Anyway, here will be my Spiderman, Peter Parker, and Tom Holland one shots. Everything is clearly AU. And I don't own the characters. (So, copyrights go to Marvel.)
The way I write one shots now is that I always use a generic name. The stories have nothing to do with one another and all stand on their own unless I explicitly say so. I used to write in the y/n format, but I really don't like it; so, I'll just choose a name to go with. Basically, you can imagine yourself if you'd like and just change the name to your own, or just read it as is. Whatever you'd like. (Also, in terms of visualizing a character, I don't specify who I am see the character as, like if I'm imagining an actress/ actor or whatever, I won't say who it is so that you can imagine who ever you'd like to imagine for yourself.) 
I'm going to code it as follows, so that you'll know what character each story is going to be about; in case you're only interested in one of the three or whatever, you'll be able to identify them easier that way so that you can skip the ones you don't want to read.
So, a. Spiderman ; b. Peter Parker ; c. Tom Holland. It'll read as:  a. i ,, a. ii , c. iii, b. iv, etc... and they won't be in that order necessarily. This is just an example.
So, I hope you enjoy reading these one shots. Please don't forget to vote, comment, and share. I love to receive feedback so if there  is ever anything that I can improve on, please let me know so I can get on that immediately! And please don't be afraid to tell me what you really think of my writing; I won't be offended if you absolutely hate it, so let me know if you do. Also, let me if you just absolutely love it. Just let me know what you think, whatever it may be.
Also, if you have any kind of requests or suggestions on something that I can/ should write then let me know and I'll see if I can muster something up.
Alright, I'm excited! I'll post soon. Okay, bye.

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