Meeting Liam and Niall

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*1 Year ago* 😭😭😭😭
Louis POV
Me and Harry have been Thinking About adopting a child about 2 year old. So that is what we are going to do today.
" Harry Get ready we leave in 5!" I shouted.
"Ok Babe."Was the response I got.
"Harry your Driving!"
"Why me Lou?"
"Well because I need to call Paul or Simon to talk about our plans as a band and how our child will fit in all of this we go on tour in 2 months Haz so that's why you need to drive."
"Ok just for our child."
"We need to leave now."
~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~
We approach the building with a sign that reads 'Jack and Matts'.
"Are we at the right place Haz?"
"Yes Lou now follow me."
So we walk in and see a man.
" Hi Boys welcome to Jack and Matts. I am Jack and will help you find your ideal child what age are you looking for ?"
" We are looking for a 2-3 year old."
" Follow me we have a boy that I think will be ideal for you. He is 2 today and his family died in a fire 6 months ago. He is Called Liam James Payne but you can change his last name if you so wish."
We follow Jack to the room where Liam is.
" Liam come here for a minute please."
Liam Walks over to us and Says " Hi I'm Liam what are your names?"
"I'm Louis and this is Harry."
"Are you here to Adopt me LouLou?"
"Well if you likes us and want us to then yes we are."
"Jack I like LouLou and Hawwy can they adopt me please?"
"Well Harry needs to sign some papers while Louis Helps you with your stuff."
"Ok LouLou follow me."
We go to Liam's room as I help him pack and we go to Jack office where we meet Matt.
"Matty I is getting adopted."
"Are you LiLi that's so exciting lets go to Jack so this lovely gentleman can sign."
We walk to Jack where his is waiting with Harry.
* End of Flashback*
"Daddy, Daddy." Is all I hear when I wake up. I get up and walk to my sons room and see him standing up in his crib ( He has a crib because he falls off Normal beds) shouting Daddy. I walk up to him pick him up and gave him his dummy. I walk over to the changing table with him on my hip.
"Liam We Are Gonna Get You Changed And Then We Are Gonna Go Downstairs And Have Breakfast Then We Can Wake Papa up because today your getting a baby Brother."
"Really Daddy I is getting a baby brotder!"
"Yes now do you want pancakes Little Man?"
"Uh-Huh Daddy!"
"Buddy do you remember what day is it today ?"
"It's your Birthday bud!"
"Yay it's my Birtfday Daddy I is 3 today!!."
Yes bud lets wake Papa up now you have had you Breakfast."
( They had Breakfast while Talking)
So Louis and Liam walk upstairs to Louis and Harry's room and wake Harry up
"Papa wakey wakey its my Birdday today I is 3 and I is getting a baby brotder!"
So they all got dressed Harry had a banana and they went to the Adoption Centre.
"Hi Jack."
"LiLi How are you?"
"I is good Jack it's my birthday. I is 3 today."
"Yey! What brings you guys back?"
"We are here to adopt another child." I explain
"Yer a Newborn Perfably."
"Follow me then Lou, Haz and Liam."
We follow Jack up 3 floors where we meet Matt.
"I missed you Matty."
"What brings you back then Li?"
"I is getting a baby brotder today and it's my Birtfday I is 3."
"Well Happy birthday LiLi and I hope you find the perfect Brother."
So we carry on until we get to a really small baby.
"Awwwe this baby is adorable. Can we adopt him please?"
"Yes you can Louis. His name is Niall Horan. The same goes to him as well you can change his last name if you would like."
So I pick him up and I cradle him and we follow Jack back downstairs. Niall has his Fingers in his mouth he is looking at me with his ocean blue eyes.
"Jack Why is he sucking his fingers and not a dummy?" I Question.
"He is allergic to them as we found out. He is a month old and he has been here since he was born as his mother died when giving birth so yer just don't give him a dummy."
We signed the papers and got in the car and went to the Mall. We have to get Niall a Stroller and clothes and everything else we need that we haven't got yet. We get Niall a Stroller and Harry puts it up while me and Liam take Niall to get him change. (They have a changing bag with nappies and everything.). We go back to Harry and he is waiting for us he holds Liam hand while I push Niall. We go and Get the boys new clothes before heading home.
(A/N The Next Chapter Is Going to Be how Niall Settles in and the bands first tour date. The special Character is going to be given away in the picture and yes it has been edited and how they celebrate Liam's Birthday.) Bye Bye my Little Kittens 😺😸😹😻😼😽🙀😿😾

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2017 ⏰

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