April Second, 1884

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April Second, 1884

          It has been three months since the passing of my beloved wife Vivian. In that time it has taken a great deal of effort to accept what I have become. I know that no sane man would believe me, and some part of me still doubts what I know to be true.

          The attack upon me and my wife has left me scared in more ways than one. I don't know if I can undo what has been done to me, lord knows I will try, but there is one thing I must first do. I must bring an end to the being that took my Vivian from me, not only to avenge her, but to prevent this tragedy from befalling others. I fear this path will lead mea though hell, but god be dammed if I cannot make my vengeance upon this beast.


Dedicated to nac101 for creating wonderful stories and inspiring me to make my own stories better.

A photo of Vivian can be seen upon the back of the front cover

(or more literally, to the right of the page)

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2012 ⏰

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