Be Mine

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Author's Note: Hey! If you got a mo, please leave your thoughts on the story. I'm trying to get an idea of just who is my 'target audience.' You know, besides 25 year old stay at home mom's that are stressed out over every dime and trying to stop their diabolical 3 year old from destroying the world. 

Also--September 1st! Big deal! Check in to wattpad or to my facebook page and check out the surprise updates I've worked so hard for you wondeful, squashingable readers. ^.^

The hotel, with all its gleam and glam, was just that: gleam and glam. There were so many fabulous people walking about and the overwhelming shock and awe laced through every wall and trim sort of distracted me from any and all sensitive clairvoyant feelings.

Thus, I had little to report to Naru as he drove us in Lin's car to the airport, where we were to be picking up his parents. They would be staying with him and Lin for the two week visit. I almost shouted at Naru again for the short warning when he informed me that, while his mother spoke excellent Japanese (she had wanted to know what him and Gene were muttering to each other all the time, after all), his father had never been able to catch on. While brilliant in the areas of paranormal psychology and psychic research, languages weren't his forte.

I could have practiced my English. Gah, I suck at English. Reading and writing it is fine, but saying those words? Ugh, they're all in the front of the mouth till you feel like your howling all the time. And then the pronunciation rules? There were no rules! Kind of came in the realm of having French words mixed and shaken with German grammar. Stupid Germans having their stupid affair with stupid France and making stupid English.

Before I was ready—damn Naru—I was standing in an airport terminal, not unlike the one I had bowled into to catch a Gene-possessed-Naru, and facing two very English looking strangers. It didn't help that Naru's mother even had the big blue eyes and blond hair. On the other hand, his father was all dark and corners, complete with a furry, bearded face and black eyes like glittering stones beneath bushy eyebrows.

Naru cleared his throat. "Mai, let me intro—"

"Oliver!" shrieked his mother in complete ecstasy, attracting more than several stares in the airport. Before Naru could react she flung herself onto his neck and started showering him with loud kisses. It would have been less funny if Naru didn't stay completely taciturn and solid beneath the onslaught, as though she were doing no more than shaking his hand.

"How dare you spend so long in Japan without even a visit! Have you no idea what you did to my poor mommy nerves?"

"I visited for a whole month last summer."

"Last summer! At least now I know you were torturing me for a good reason." She paused in her glomping of Naru's head to zoom in on me.

I instinctually seized up. For a brief, horrifying minute I thought she was about to scold me for snickering.

But just as quickly as she had come upon Naru, she was before me, taking up my hands and gazing into my eyes.

"You're Mai, right? Little Mai-chan?"

Did he call me that to his mom? No way. "Uh...yes?"

Her face broke into sunshine. "Oh my gosh, you're adorable!"

And then I was being squeezed too. Fortunately for me, she must have had some sense for personal space, as she quickly let go and gave me some distance. The smile wilted a bit with a touch of solemnity, and for the first time she appeared the forty or odd some years she was.

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