The problem with SOME roleplayers

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So I've been roleplaying here in wattpad for awhile now and I noticed that SOME roleplayers act like they'r fucking invinsible.

AND what frustrates me the most is that when you put effort-atleast 4 or 5 sentences- they reply you with one freaking sentence. Really bru'? 

Wrong grammar is an issue too! 

Example: Rose spills her drink on fiona. When she offered help fiona said,

"No I brought another dress, a grown woman like me should always be prepared although it is not on me right now" (this is the roleplayer's exact reply)

Ugh. Pathetic. Can you constract sentencens like normal humans? 'Cause it's very unnerving for me. 

Okay. I'll stop here. Good luck with your life. 

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