Bells Prt 3

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Lindsay's POV:
-Christina quickly fixed parts of my hair and then worked on my makeup. She started to tear up.-
Christina: I remember when Corbyn and I got married. It was seriously my favorite day. And just seeing you grow up.
-I laughed at the reponse-
Me: Christina. Your not my mom..
-She rolled her eyes and focused back to my makeup. Emily then came barging in.-
Emily: ok we got 30 more minutes Guests have lined up and are taking your seat. Your brother would like to see you.
Me: Ok send him in.
-Logan came walking in.-
Logan: Danggg my sister lookin Hot
-I playfully slapped him and went into the other room the girls helped me get into my dress and then I walked out and looked at my self in the mirror. I looked over at Logan who had tears in his eyes.-
Logan: Y-your all grown u-up
Me: Come on goofball. We have to go down there and get ready.
-He helped me walk down the stairs. The music started playing and my heart was now raceing this will change my life forever. Emma and Serena walked in first throwing flowers around and smiling. They were way to happy. Then Logan wrapped his arm around mine.-
Logan: You ready little sis.
-I looked up at him and my face dropped.-
Me: I-i dont know. Of course I want to marry him I'm just nervous as heck.
-He tightened his grip and looked at me-
Logan: You are going to do perfectly fine. You both love each other and you guys are meant to be. Now let's go out there and marry a dude today.
-I put my head down and laughed.-
Me: Let's do this goofball
-We walked around the corner so then everybody could see us. We started walking down the ile and I saw Zach's eyes light up. I smiled and looked around to see almost my hole family crying except Logan and Jake. They were trying to be "manly" and not cry. Logan and I reached the Alter thingy and Zach grabbed ahold of my hand helping me up. I looked at him and smiled and he had his thumb going in circles on my hand. He was nervous and he could tell I was too. But we were the most happiest people in the world. The Pastor spook some words (once again haven't even been to a wedding so I dont really know that much about this stuff. Sorry 😂).
Pastor: Now Zach do you take Lindsay as your lovely wife.
Zach: I do
Pastor: Lindsay do you take Zach as your beloved Husband
-I smiled widely-
Me: I do
Pastor: Now is the moment to speak. Does anybody object or forever hold your piece.
-Zach and I looked around and everybody was quiet until someone spoke up-
?: I do
-I went wide eyed and held onto Zach's hand tightly as everyone gasped.-

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