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Jupite Münro was content with her "background character" style role aboard the Starship Enterprise. She was a nurse under Dr. McCoy and despite a few "heroic" acts (like when she vaulted over sharp twisted metal to save a redshirt from death), she went pretty unnoticed around the ship. She liked her low-key profile, as she never really liked being shoved in the limelight. 

Of course, being completely and utterly human, she was bound to fall in love with someone also aboard. She didn't know anyone who didn't have some sort of sweet spot for another crewmate. But it was just that luck that the one who pulled her heartstrings was considered unattainable. Jupite was head over heels for Commander Spock. 

Of course, she knew he would never return her feelings, he was half Vulcan and had pledged himself to the Vulcan way of logic > emotion. She hardly ever saw him too, as he worked on the bridge and she was mainly situated in the medical bay. The only times she was ever on the bridge was when Dr. McCoy sent her to remind crewmembers of their physicals. She had never actually talked to him, except for a polite introduction when she was scheduled to be the medical personnel on an away mission to a planet (it was her first time losing a patient, he was a redshirt named Freddy, she had cried). Still, she loved the science officer, despite the impossible chance that it would be mutual.

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