( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)Tasty( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Sophie watched her crush, James walking through the park. She quietly followed him, secretly craving him. James stopped at the water fountain and began drinking. Sophie resisted the urge to moan when he drank the water.

James looked over and saw her. Sophie's heart fluttered when their eyes met. James waved and walked away. Sophie froze. "H-He noticed me!" She exclaimed. She opened her notebook up and stared at the picture of James. She put her finger on the picture's lips.

"You'll love me, just you wait." Sophie whispered as she walked home. When Sophie got home she went to her bedroom and looked out the window. She had been neighbors with James for years but he never bothered to talk to her. Sophie looked down and saw James walking home.

Sophie sighed. Today she was going to visit him. She ran out of her house and knocked on James's front door. A few seconds later James opened the door. "Hi." He said. Sophie longed to touch him. She smiled. "Hi, Can I come in?" Sophie said.

James nodded and Sophie walked in. She smiled and held his hand. James smiled nervously. "What are you doing?" He asked nervously. Sophie closed her eyes and planted her lips onto his. James blushed and kissed back. James lifted up Sophie and took her to his bed.

Sexy time ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

James laid on the bed with Sophie on top of him. James inserted his tongue into Sophie's mouth and their tongues fought for dominance. James won and explored Sophie's mouth. Sophie moaned and slipped off James's pants. She broke the kiss and went lower until she made it to his kneecap. She placed her lips on it and sucked on it.

James moaned softly as Sophie licked his kneecap. "I'm coming." James exclaimed as rainbow mayonnaise squirted out of James's knee onto Sophie she smiled and gulped up the delicious treat.

She stopped and laid next to James. "Will you marry me?" Sophie asked. James smiled. "I would love too." He whispered.

Two years later

James chased his kid, Harambe around the mansion. "You have to go to school!" James said. Harambe giggled and ran. Suddenly they looked out the window and saw Kim Jong Un riding a nuke. The nuke rammed into the house and killed everyone.

The end.

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