Becoming Louis' Love

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Hello everyone:)

This is the first time I have made an imagine so it won't be the best. Let me know what you think. If you think I could improve on something, just let me know. I'm fine with that. If you would like a part 2 then tell me. I am more than happy to add to this.

Imagine 1- Part 1

Your alarm goes of at 5:50am. You reach out to your right and eventually manage to stop the alarm whilst struggling to open your eyes. You then move to your left slowly drifting off, not realising you've stayed in bed for an extra 10 minutes. All of a sudden, you quickly sit up and look at your alarm clock. "6:00am" you whisper. As you turn around and look at your calendar you say "Saturday, 7th of June....what!" with excitement. The day has finally arrived. It's just a few hours until you get to see your 5 beautiful boys in the flesh. You rush out of bed to get ready.

Three hours later, even though you have arrived at the stadium, it still hasn't sunk in. As you and your best friend step foot in the building a massive One Direction Merchandise Store catches your eye. "Y/N look, look right over there, we have to buy everything now before the cue gets even bigger" You cried. Your friend shouts "Omg let's go". Both of you run over to the store like two little kids in a candy shop. After a long while of fangirling, screaming and crying you both happily walk out with what you wanted. Because the two of you were so happy, you kept on walking outside of the building not taking notice of where you were walking to. Around about fifteen minutes later your friend looks up and says "Where are we?" with a worried voice. You look up and say "Umm.... I have no idea".

In the distance some music began to play. It sounded just like "Little White Lies" after whispering to each other both of you started to convense yourselves that it is not. As soon as the two of you turned around, ready to find the way back. On the left hand side of you's, Harrys voice comes out of no where. "If this room was burning, I wouldn't even notice. Cause you've been taking up my mind with your little white lies, little white lies" At the same time, you look into each other's eyes trying not to cry. Then both run around the place trying so damn hard to find the boys. Four minutes later the boys were still no where to be seen. Unfortunately, "Little white lies" had finished and it all went silent.

After four minutes of trying to find the boys, Louis Tomlinson walks out of the building, running his fingers through his hair heading towards their tour bus. He then has a sip of water. You notice him at the exact same time that he notices you. You both smile at each other. Louis then changes direction and jogs up to you and your friend. As he is jogging towards you both, you nudge your friend, the two of you look at each other in shock, hold each-others hands whilst they are shaking, tear up and jog up to him. "What are you two beautiful girls doing around here?" Louis says with a cheeky smile on his gorgeous face. Struggling to speak, your friend quietly says "We were... we". "We got lost" you say confidently whilst gazing into Louis's bright blue eyes. Louis giggles "What are you like eh?" Looking directly into your eyes and then glances at your friend and smiles at her. "Were you two meant to be in sound check?" "No we just heard your amazing voices from a distance" you sigh. "Aw" Looks at your friends ticket. "You must be really big fans. You're in the front row" "Yeah, we really are. We love you guys" your friend giggles. Louis smiles at her and says "We love you too".

After talking to Louis for a little while you both get a pretty cute picture with him. Surprisingly, Louis puts his hand around your waist in your photo. In your friends photo, he just poses with her. Louis says "I've got to go now girls, bye". Him and your best friend hug whilst you look at the photo of you and him. She then softly says "Bye". Louis then turns around, hugs you with his hands around your waist and says goodbye. He starts jogging back to their tour bus as you shout "Goodbye I love you". After Louis is gone you both start jumping up and down whilst screaming like crazy. No matter how much you try and stop yourself, you keep on thinking that Louis has a crush on you because of the way he was acting with you. You keep this to yourself.

So, how was that? I really do hope you enjoyed it. Please vote for me:) It will mean a lot and make me really happy.

-Thankyou for reading-

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