Chapter One

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As the cold breeze started to blow, hunter’s sharp eyes scanned the forest. She could smell something nearby, so she waited steadily. The autumn leaves of the forest made her blend in and she could easily sneak on her prey once she sees it. Few seconds later, silent footsteps were heard. Immediately, she knew this was not an animal but rather a human being. With a frown, she pulled out a dagger and held her breath. If it was a guard, she might be in bigger trouble than she thought. Only few moments later a figure appeared on a small clearing in front of her. He was not wearing a guard’s uniform, but instead the outfit of the village she belonged to. She recognized him after few more moments and she shook her head. In few swift moves she was behind him, with the knife under his throat. He paused, not able to react.

“I could have killed you,” she tells him quietly before letting go of him.

“Dora,” he turns around and smiles at her, almost as if she didn’t have his life in her hands just a second ago. “I’ve been looking for you.”

“Well, I see that myself, Jack,” she shakes her head as she returns the dagger in its case.

“You do realize it’s almost the Welcoming?” he asks her.

“I came here in order to skip it,” she replied.

“Unfortunately, you can’t do that, it’s too risky this year,” he said and pulled her arm.

“Let go,” she tried to fight him off, but he was stronger than her.

After some time, she gave up with a sigh. Jack Gilinsky, the only person that cares for Dora and that Dora cares for back. Tall and nicely built, with sharp facial features and endless charm, brown eyes and a smile that can melt you away, Jack is a person that was easy to like. Being open and funny, he had gathered lots of friends in the village. Though people didn’t realize why Dora and he got along so well, he knew exactly why. Dora might seem like a cold person to others, but when she was with him she was just as cheerful as he was.

“How did you know where I was?” she asked as he dragged her through the forest.

“Are you really asking me that after so many years?” he chuckled.

“Just trying to break the silence,” Dora shrugged.

Jack smiled and glanced towards her. What he saw was a somewhat tall girl, though still shorter than him, with chocolate brown hair and matching pair of eyes. Her hair was tied into a bun, a thing she always did when she’d go in the forest, and that she probably didn’t even notice. Jack however did, and a smile crept up his face. She didn’t notice it since she was busy trying to walk without falling with all the roots under their feet. Both of them were suddenly startled by horns somewhere in the distance.

“Let’s hurry up,” Jack said and pulled Dora behind him as he ran through the forest.

The two were currently in the forest, where they were not supposed to be. It was out of boundaries of village, and trespassing could get them into troubles. But with both of them being hunters since childhood, they knew exactly where to go so they wouldn’t get caught. Soon enough they crossed the small pond and got themselves back on the village grounds. However, they weren’t allowed to stop quite yet. The horns signalized the arrival, meaning that the Welcoming would start anytime soon. Running at the full speed, they reached the center of the village just in time, as the carriage entered the square all the villagers were currently at.

“Everyone bow!” a shout came from the carriage and all the villagers got on their knees at once.

Dora looked at the carriage under her eyebrows, not wanting to raise her head too much. Getting attention to yourself in the presence of the Royals was as wise as going to hug an angry wolf. And, in case you weren’t good at concluding, that isn’t wise. The majesty walked out of the carriage, with her luxurious dress falling all around her. It was to guess that the dress was the lousiest the queen possessed, and that she would be getting rid of it as soon as this little trip ends. Dora almost snorted at the bright green color along with the golden edges all around, but she knew better than to do so. However, the dress didn’t catch her attention for long, neither did the Queen’s golden like hair that had a green hat on it, but rather a thing behind the carriage. It seemed like a bigger yet a lousier version of the Royal carriage. It was connected to another pair of horses, but stood behind the Queen’s carriage. Dora frowned. She did not like it.

“Thank you, for your warm welcoming,” the Queen spoke.

Her voice was high pitched, a thing that made Dora frown even more. She hated this voice, it was a voice full of disgust entangled with fake warmness. It was silly to think the Queen would ever enjoy visiting the villages, but you would at least think she would be able to act better. The Queen continued her speech while the people were still on their knees. With sharp eyes of Guards observing them, nobody was brave enough to make a move, not even a slightest one. Dora was not paying attention, but instead counted the time when the Queen would actually leave. It seemed like forever until she finally heard the words she wanted.

“I am now going to leave,” the Queen said with a smile. “But first, there is something I have to do.”

Dora’s heart skipped a beat. She knew something was wrong, as the Queen would usually just leave. Whatever it was, it could not be good.

“I am certain all of you heard about the small protest in one of the villages,” the Queen told them. “As such, I cannot allow it to go unpunished. I have decided to punish the villages so you do not think of doing the same.”

Dora again looked up unnoticeably and saw the Queen had a sly smile on her face. It was hard to tell what she was going to do. Kill half of the village? Take all the supplies or money? The more Dora thought about it, the more worried she got. She wanted to know what Jack thought, but it was too risky to ask him now.

“I shall take one person from each village. That should be enough,” the Queen waved her hand and two Guards headed towards the villagers.

It was indeed a smart move. People in village were usually bonded together as they all depended on each other. Take anyone from this society and others would be greatly damaged. Dora followed the Guards as they made their way through the crowd. Jack was also following them with his hands clenched into fists. He was the protector of everyone in the village, so it was natural for him to feel angry. But Dora only hoped he wouldn’t do anything stupid. The Guards suddenly stopped and harshly pulled someone up. Dora recognized him quickly. It was Thomas, the old tailor at the end of her street. He was a good man, but weak with ages. The way the Guards treated him made it look as if he’ll break any second. Dora got angry now, because she knew this was nowhere near fair. However, before she could do anything, Jack did.

“Let him go!” he shouted and jumped on his feet.

The Guards did what they were told in a second just to capture Jack a moment later. Dora held her breath; this was not what she expected. Her heart was beating fast as she watched Jack being pulled towards the carriages. She wanted to get Jack free from the Guards, she knew this would maybe be her last chance. But Jack turned his head slightly, catching her look and shaking his head. Then he turned his head back and let the Guards pull him away.

“Thank you for your time,” the Queen smiled and hurried into her carriage while Jack was pushed into the wooden one.

Dora understood what they did. The old man was just a bait for someone to react. The one that had enough courage to react could be potentially dangerous, he could be brave enough to maybe start a rebellion. Dora cursed the Queen as she watched the carriage speed away, and only then did the people dare to get up. Dora watched the people hurry towards Thomas to help him up, and others breaking down because of Jack being taken away. Dora had to get out of the crowd, she had to calm down. The only person she had cared about in this village was taken away from her in just a glimpse of a moment. She shook her head before turning around and running towards her house, not wanting to see any of these people. She wanted Jack, but he was on the road for the next village.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2014 ⏰

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