AFA day 2 & 3

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I woke up as my alarm rang. Actually the alarm was ment to be for school but since I am too lazy to turn it off, I have to go through the hassle of "rubbing" it till it stops. Slowly, I went to wash up and change. After that, I looked at my wall clock. 6:30pm. Joyce will always be up after 7:30 since her school is literally beside our house. As for Intech, I let him sleep a bit more in the case of possible jet lag. With nothing better to do, I decided to prepare breakfast. At around 8:00 I was almost done with somewhat a feast but enough for 3. As I was washing up the doorbell rang. I opened the door to see my 'order' has arrived." Thanks, Mat!" I said as I smiled at him."You seriously owe me big time for this..."He said as he yawned."Well as long as its does not require me doing illegal things, crossdressing,pain and my life, I'm fine with it." I said as I turned back. He just turned back and went towards the lift half asleep. As Joyce walked out I told her,"Please go and wake intech." While I was setting the table halfway, the doorbell rang again.I open the door to see Rachel."Joyce is waking Intech up." I told her. Rachel, without saying a word, went to my room and took my pillow. Curious, I follow her to Intech's 'room'. She raised my pillow above her heard and slammed it into Intech face shouting," WAKE THE HECK UP INTECH!" Joyce and I stood rooted in our place stunned at what she just did.Luckily Intech didn't get injured or anything and we all went out with Intech, at the least having a wig of Axel(I forced it onto him. And YES. That was the 'order' I was talking about.) While I change into a Roxas costume so we have a full Organisation XIII team.Also Rachel was dressed as Kairi in her younger form with a keyblade.

At the convention, before we even went in, we hung around on the 2nd floor(the convention is on the 3rd) being taken photos. Although I told Intech the only reason that we have our photos being taken is because we have 2 bishoujo with us, he didn't believe me. And this time, he again stared about 30 minutes at the nendoroids store selling a whole set of Vocaloids.Although I feel sad for him,I am in no position to do anything about it(Sorry I'm currently a poor kid)."COME ON YOU VOCALOID OTAKU!" Rachel shouted as she was on the other side of the expo. Although we had a somewhat fun day in the end, we went home a bit early as there is a final day tomorrow.

As plain as any other day, the next morning was the same, although Joyce and I had a different costume. Joyce was wearing a Sakura Miku costume (petite version) and I wore a Makoto Naegi costume from Danganronpa. Intech on the other hand, was fawning over Joyce in that Sakura Miku costume. When Rachel came and saw Intech who was holding Joyce up, she told me ,"John, call the police..." I said "Okay" as I took out my cellphone. After that elaborate comedy act by the 2 of us, we headed of back to Suntec Convention Center for the last day of AFA.Much to my Suprise, it was not as crowded as yesterday which we spent around 50% of our time,pushing through waves after waves of crowd. Intech, today who is not in a costume went on a totally berserk rampage over Vocaloid, main Miku, merchandise. "Rachel, remind me the next time you want to bring him here. I need to prepare a 3 day costume."I said as I chased him and tried to hold him back with Joyce just walking around with us looking cute as ever.In the end, Rachel pitied Intech and bought him a Miku Figurine. Although Intech was overjoyed with tears, me and Rachel had a 'secret' conversation behind his back. It was due to the fact that Rachel didn't tell Intech to chnage his currency to SGD so she felt sorry and bought him that as an apology.After that we went back home.

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