Fireworks and Monday Mornings

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Have you ever ended up somewhere you're not supposed to? Dropped in the middle of nowhere with little reason as to why? I'm going to be honest, it's scary, and it's painful. However if it hadn't happened to me I wouldn't be where I am today.

 But I'm getting ahead of myself, take a seat. Let me start from the beginning.

“Mr. Morton, I want to thank you for staying with us this summer,” Mr. Gainsley said, taking a seat at his desk. I already hated him, the way they looked at me like I was some kind of scum, he didn't know me. He knew the generics, the words on paper that he had been so quick to judge me on. I wasn't the kid he thought I was. Arrogant douche. “It really is nice to meet you,” He continued. I remained stoic, not revealing my anger, sadness, confusion.

 ”Likewise,” I lied through my teeth. I didn’t want to be here, I didn’t deserve to be here, yet here I was on this wasteland of a farm 500 miles from home. Home. My chest ached; I had never wanted the comfort of my hometown more than I did now. The reality of it all hit me like speeding freight trains colliding at velocities unknown to anyone who has never truly felt pain.

 ”You must be tired from your long trip. July, show him to his room. We’ll talk in the morning Mr. Morton.”

 The girl in the corner nodded at him and looked at me, giving me what seemed a sympathetic smile. her expression was hard to read. I stared at her, really noticing her for the first time since I arrived although she had been here the whole time. She was stunning, her eyes were like fire and her skin was a glowing peach color, my fists clenched under the intensity of the gaze but she remained unfazed, I was the only one in the moment.

 So simply divine, as if her nonchalance was purely an act to drive me wild. She was everything that I could have wanted all in one simple glace. Finally the words I had so desperately been searching for flooded my mind like hot summer rain. And I was sure that to her it was just a look.

 I stumbled to grab my bags off the floor, letting my eyes leave her. She walked out of the office without a word, and I followed suit watching her walk in front of me. She didn’t swing her hips to impress me; she didn’t throw her hair back over her shoulders. The moment meant nothing to her, not like it did to me. I was just an empty face, holding no meaning, no promises, for a girl like her. 

 ”Levi, a word,” Mr. Gainsley called after me. I stopped quickly as he reached me, putting a firm and on my shoulder. I winced; my body ached from the plane ride.

 ”If you lay a hand on my daughter I’ll make one phone call to your parole officer and get you sent back home before you can blink twice. Understood?” he whispered harshly, spitting on my ear. The guy was a total dick, but I couldn’t be sent home. I couldn’t risk anything. If I was being honest with myself this place was a bit better than a musty prison cell.

 I swallowed hard. “Yes sir.”

 He nodded and stepped away. “Atta boy. Sleep well,” he called as he went up the stairs. I knew he didn’t mean it. Prick.

 She walked me up the old wooden staircase to an attic-type space. I had already known my living arrangements weren’t going to be elite, but I was still surprised when she led me to a room more suited for an inmate. After all, I got away with community service.

 ”No door?” I asked, trying to be polite, but I couldn’t help but laugh at myself a little. This was my home for the next three months. Fucking pathetic.

 ”Oh, Daddy’s working on that. This used to be the library. We weren’t really prepared when we decided to...hire a field hand,” she said, looking down at her hands. We both knew I wasn't simply hired; I was here because of the incident. 

I tried not to look at her, but maybe I should just get used to it. I would have to look at her all summer and I couldn’t touch her. Screw this.

 ”Oh,” was all I could really say. I wasn't really in the mood for talking.

 ”And sorry about my dad. He can be a real hard-ass sometimes.” said, her expression matching mine.

 ”It’s fine.” I kept telling myself I deserved this. I did really. I deserve much more than this; I deserved it from the moment I decided to get in that car that night three months ago. I hated myself for it and I probably always would.

Well, sleep well. Your alarm is already set for five thirty. Be downstairs by six. My dad will tell you what you have to do.” She sighed and walked away.

 ”Night.” I called after her, but she was already closing the door to what I assumed was her room. It surprised me that her room was so close to mine, seeing I was just a simple stable hand.

 The bed felt like plywood when I sat on it, and the room was hotter than it was outside. I stripped down to my boxers and opened the window. It was a little better. Eventually I fell asleep laying on top of the itchy blanket draped over the bed, too tired to dream.


Alrighty so I'm back an action and this is a story I've been formulating in my head for a few weeks(: I hope you enjoy it!



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