info about the oc and our Main oc me

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Yukira suna

Rebel always is
Hates following school rules barely seen around
Usually found taking naps in a cherry blossom tree
Emo rebel
Doesnt take bullshit
If anyone hurts her friends she bashes there head in the wall

Family : joey and sirenty
And her brother who comes later

Crush : Seto kiaba

Looks : she has white hair that goes to her knees
She wears a black t shirt and black slightly ripped at the knees skinny jeans and black lace up strapped combat boots
Her eyes are a beautiful royale blue she is as white as ivory but brighter like porcelain she wears fingerless combat leather gloves stronger than she looks also has a blue eyes white dragon tattoo on her ankle and wears a choker with the same dragon

Pets: starla a German shepherd
Sunoo a lil clever kitten
And Kisa our white tiger cub

Likes: helping Yugi grandpa out at the shop cooking cleaning sleeping reading
Gang fights
Metal pipes and blue eyes white dragon

Dislikes : giving the dog a bath and warheads and random passing out before meals

Item: she has the Millennium heart any animals that she has end up becoming her familiars and become extremely smart meanings sunoo the cat can speak English the dog has amazing fighting skills and the tiger cub nobody knows that just yet

Kiku Kiaba

Madly loves yami and Yugi

She wear a choker yukira red eyes black dragon dress goth and emo

Usually get pick on but if yukira comes by she smashes the peoples head in the wall for teasing her

She always Seto can take them too

She has the same class as Yugi and joey.

Always teases Seto about yukira

And loves mokuba her lil brother
She is also a witch

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