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Nikki is on the top picture

Nick POV
Well another day of boring day of high school but I am meeting up with finnick and doing graffiti on the walls after school so typical day.

I brushed my teeth, took a shower and got my uniform on. "Breakfast" my mom called I went downstairs and ate.

"Bye mom!" I yelled and got on the bus. "Hey Nick over here!" Finnick shouted.

Judy's POV

"Beep beep Beep!" I turned off the alarm and got up New day! I thought to myself I showered and changed into my uniform

"Morning mom!" I said as I skipped downstairs "Morning hun your breakfast is on your table.

I ate up and got my back " Bye mom bye guys" I yelled and gave my siblings hugs

I got on the bus in a seat by myself. I usually sit alone since none of my friends go on my bus. I thought Wait I just remembered Nikki is trasfering here today!

YES I yelled out loud. Everyone stared at me for a second THEN when back to doing their stuff.

Nikki was a fox but she was amazing and my childhood bff she was so nice that my parents even liked her!

I thought as I remembered our childhood she was like a sister to me. I whispered.

Hope you liked the chapter!!!!

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