Ch. 3

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 Chapter three

Sitting at the counter with a pen and battered notepad I went over the list of everything that would need to be done in the next few days. Tyler needed to be signed up for the first grade and meet his teacher. I needed to enroll in high school, and learn where everything was. It had been a while since we have been in Bridgeport, and I didn’t remember where anything was. Sighing, I looked down to see what the list I started this morning said.



Meet the neighbors

Air out the house

Furniture needs to be moved

Sign Tyler up for first grade

Meet Tyler’s teacher

Enroll in high school

Relearn the area

Email grandma

Call Poppi

Feeling particularly lazy after such a long car ride, I chose to do the easiest thing on the list so far. Checking the time on my phone I saw it was only a little after ten, my dad’s father would still be awake.   Dialing the familiar phone number I waited through two rings before a gruff, tired voice picked up the phone.

                “Hello? Gillian, is that you?”

                “Hey Poppi, Tyler and I just got home, he’s in bed, the ride put him to sleep.” I smiled sadly, Poppi sounded worried.

                “You were the same way when you were little.” He laughed. “So was your father, bless his soul. We would be in the car and hour and he would be knocked out in the back seat. How was the ride? Do you want me to wake up Meme so you can say hi?” My dad’s mother was always early to bed.

                “No Poppi, just tell Meme I said hi, okay? I just wanted to call you and let you know we got here okay.” I said through a yawn.

                “I will, did you let the She-Devil know you got there okay? I’m sure she and Grandpa Mike are also worried about you two.” Poppi had never liked my mother’s mom, and she didn’t like him either.

                “No, I will email Grandma Elise and Grandma Mike in the morning; she is going to be asleep by now anyway.”

                “Yes, better leave the old Biddy alone, she needs all the beauty sleep she can get. I can’t believe that woman, wanting to disobey her only child’s dying wish and trying to force you and Tyler to live with her. I love you Gilly, and would love for you and Tyler to live with us, but you’re an adult and your wishes shouldn’t be ignored.” Oh no. I love by Poppi, but once he gets going, he won’t stop.

                “I know Poppi, but you stopped her.” I yawned again; it really had been a long day.

                “Gillian, poppet, you really should be getting to bed, it’s been a long day for you and Tyler, and I’m sure you have a lot to do. Call Meme on her cellular phone tomorrow, okay? She will be sad that she didn’t get to talk to you.”

                “Okay, Poppi. I love you.” I told my grandfather as I poured myself a glass of water from the tap.

                “I love you too baby girl.” Disconnecting the call I finished my water and rinsed the glass out. Looking out the kitchen window, I dropped the glass out of fright. There in the trees there were several pairs of eyes. I closed my eyes and shook my head, waking myself up a little bit. Looking back through the window the eyes were gone.  I must be more tired than I thought.  Heading upstairs I brushed my teeth and got ready for bed.

Run. Run. Run. Don’t look back, don’t stop. Keep running, they will get you, they will kill you. Thoughts ran though her head as she ran. Her feet were getting cut and bruised on the forest floor. The sounds of breaking tree branches and animals running were all she heard. Panting, running, trying to get away. Light started to break through the trees. Almost there, almost there.  Just a little further, just a little more. She encouraged herself. The panting got closer, the breaks louder, then a growl so loud it shook the trees. She stopped out of shock and awe. Turning in a circle all she saw was red eyes. Trembling, she turned the other way. There were more eyes, this time gold. Why did gold look friendly? Then, from the side a shake started to move, sending out the booming growl again. The growl belonged to the golden eyed… thing.  The thing continued to move closer to her, making the re eyes bother cower and angry about losing their prey. As the shadow moved closer, it took shape.  It was the biggest wolf she had ever seen.  As large as a horse, her head came up to the wolf’s shoulder. She continued to tremble as the wolf moved closer to her but she was too afraid to move. The golden eyed wolf stopped right in front of her and rubbed its head on her shoulders and chest.  It…no, he smelled good, woodsy but clean and his fur was so soft.  The wolf lifted his head and looked her in the eyes.

                “Soon, Gillian, I will be with you soon. You are safe. Wake up.” The wolf spoke. She knew he was telling the truth, but how she heard him, she did not know. Strangely, she felt concern for the wolf; would he and his golden eyed friends be okay? As if she was speaking out loud, she heard the sexy as sin voice in her head again.

                “Don’t worry about me, this is only a dream. We will be together soon, mate. I promise.” The wolf nudged her shoulder with his head again and she was finally falling. She felt herself falling out of sleep and into the reality of consciousness.

I woke up in cold sweat, cold and sticky. I shock myself awake and heard a sound that will haunt my dreams forever. A single long and heartbreaking howl, a howl that spoke sheer volumes of loss and loneliness. I felt a piece of my heart go out to the poor creature. I knew exactly what the beast was feeling. I felt it too. In the solitude of night, cloaked in darkness I finally allowed myself the luxury of taking my walls down and pulling my armor off. Letting out the first of many pained sobs, I cried for my parents, my brother, the wolf in the woods, and myself.  The last few weeks had been hard, now allowing myself to show just how much I was hurting, trying to be strong for Tyler, and keep their lives together.  As the wolf let out another soulful cry, I unleashed my own sorrows and felt the wounds on my heart get just a little bit smaller. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2014 ⏰

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