A Boxful Of My Favorite Things

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A Boxful Of My Favorite Things



I will put in the box

The feeling of sunshine upon my face,

Sun as he drowns in the ocean,

And smiling moon as she laughs with the stars

I will put in the box

A pair of flying Converse,

A chameleon coat,

And mittens lined with unicorn hair

I will put into the box

A kind-hearted Voldemort,

A pair of freckle-faced Weasley twins

As well as the Boy who lived

I will put into the box

My first kiss,

My last laugh,

And the tears I never cried.

My box is sculpted with dragon’s scales and unicorn’s horns

With night sky lining and Jedi hidden in the corners

And hinges made with Jabberwocky teeth

I shall have Neverland in my box

Never growing up, laughing as much as I wish,

All you need to fly,

Is faith, trust, and pixie dust.

How to wirte a Magic Box poem.

If you had to go somewhere and all you could take was a magic box with the things you loved most, what would you take?

Make a list of ten things and write a poem about them.

Describe the ten things in an interesting way. (Remember to use all the senses; sight, sound, taste, touch and smell)

Describe what the box looks like

Where would you hide it?

Write a poem putting together everything from the previous steps.

Hope you guys liked my poem! Good Luck if you do try your own!

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