A reality based on a dream

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     As Gema lay there aware of her surrounding through sound only she tried desperately to gain some type of will power to break his spell. But alas only he knew how to undue his curse. Of course his curse in all essence didn't work the way it should have for if it had she would be unconscious for real unaware and unable.to think. For now she allowed her tired spirit to rest, soon she fell into a slumber.

   "Gema, listen to my words child", spoke a delicate voice.

Who are you Gema spike mentally?

I am Winter, the keeper of powers. your mother's coven,has summoned me because  you are in great danger. Not just physically but your powers are.new. I am here to train, in your mind. However, I need tour permission to so for if I force this upon you I will die along with you and your coven. May I place my spirit within you for a time period?

Gema asked one quwation, May I avenge my mother?

Winter spoke Yes, my child but be warned taking a life, even one evil as Kryliat will bring challenges to you, because you would inherit his powers can you handle this.

Mentally Gema was smiling, yes Winter, I can.

Blessed.be my child, I now unite my spirit with your I will guide you through this process, and when you no longer need me I will return to your mother's coven. 

Winters spirit flashes into Gema sending shock waves of what felt icy waves through her. Gema screamed within her mind, the pain she thought she never mentioned pain.

Suddenly her mind went white as.she stood she faced a icy blue figure.that was breathtaking.

The figure stood before her bowing her head in respect.smiling, Gema welcome to your training ground.

Gema wasn't afraid for she know the figure was Winter, but somehow she seemed familiar with her almost like they were of kin.

Ah you are correct and incorrect. I am your future self, you will one day be me. I am from the future not too far from here.

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