Chapter 15

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<<You hidded another Satan's dinasty, Lord Pheles?>> a women voice asks.

<<I didn't. She is not like Okumura Rin. She can explain more in details.>>

<<Then, who are you?>> now an older voice, <<What's your name, demon?>>

<<(F/N) and I'm not a demon.>> you answer raising your head, <<Nor a human. I am a thing.>>

<<Explain yourself.>> again the woman, <<Do it well, so we can understand.>>

<<Even if you tell me to do it, it's not easy. I have an amnesia due to one of my demons who sleep inside of me.>>

<<Call him then->>

<<I can't.>> you interrump a young man and Angel points his sword at your throat, <<I refuse to call my friends for you. You will talk to me, not to them.>>

<<And why?>>

<<Isn't obvious? They are demons, what will be their end? I'm not an idiot, I will not lead them in a death path.>>

<<That's a shame.>> with a head move, an exorcist brings a boy with him, <<What about this?>>


<<!!>> you turn your head to see, hoping you are wrong, <<Shion...>> he walks towards you but the guard stops him holding his arm, and the wolf growls at him.

<<He must be near me.>> your eyes paralyzied the three members of the Grigori, <<Grant my wish, it's better for all of you.>>

<<I think we should too.>> Mephisto speaks in your defence, <<If that boy will be with her, I think she will definitely wakes her demon up. So, you could ask him whatever you want.>>

<<Very well. Let him stay.>> Shion walks until he reaches you and hugs you firmly.

<<Sorry...>> you tried to hug him too, but the chains blocked your body, you could only rest your tail on his back, <<Are you sure you will not afraid of him?>>

<<Don't worry. Do what they asked, so we can go back home together.>>

<<I have a question, can I speak?>> recived the permission, you stood up and looked at the Grigori, <<This demon is the strongest, if you say a wrong word he might kill you all. I have no control on him, I can't guarantee your life. Knowing this, do you want to meet him anyway?>>

<<Yes, he will answer at our questions and we will decide if you are dangerous or not.>>

<<As you wish.>> with nothing, you destroy the anti-demon seals and everyone get ready to kill you, <<I needed to do this, I will not break the chains.>> with a deep breath, you concentrate on yourself.

<<Be careful, nee-san.>> Shion take a few steps back and Yatsufsa protects him standing next to his leg.

A heavy silence grows in the room. Who tried to speak, are stopped immediately by Mephisto or the Grigorio, they known, that silence was important. Your heartbeat is loud, every beat grows louder but slower than the previous one. Your breath is relaxed, and when everything is ready, your head falls backwards.

<<Great and fearful God of the universe...>> a strange aura goes all over the room, it's impressive almost scaring, <<Grant your will and do not weak me again...>> after seconds, you stumble and fall down noisily.

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