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REALITY REPLACED THE VISION I just had, my head throbbing with a dull pain. What I had just seen, what I had just lived, was now a part of me. And it reminded me, tragically, of my own station in life. I was aware that I was still the same old bum; that hadn't changed.

The fire was burning just like it had been. I had no idea how long I had been in a fugue, or trance or whatever it was. It could have been minutes or hours, for all I knew. Or just a few seconds. All I knew was that it had been unlike anything I had ever experienced before. I now realized the reliving of my own childhood memory about the model kit was just the beginning.

The beginning of what? I wondered.

Daring to peer back into the box, the underside of the lid had now grown dark, devoid of any life. As if there had been life present in the first place. What I had just seen was impossible. But so was how I had gotten to this stage of my life.

Movement on the adjacent side in the box caught my eye. Something was forming there now.

I gazed into another new world...

The Box Has Twelve Sides: Thirteen Curious Tales to Delight and DisturbWhere stories live. Discover now