Today's World and Religion.

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I’d suppose I’d like to ask the people of this site, the matter of religion, or other belief systems, including Atheism, and it’s (in)significant use in today’s society. Please do try to not base this on one religion like christianity, but as well as others.

I’d like to make this a fair topic, and not have ruthless bashing about a religion because of a dislike/hate/etc. of it. So, I’ll start this off:

Back in the earlier days (I’m thinking back to about Ancient Egyptian/Sumerian/Babylonian times) of human civilization, people needed to be controlled from its savagery, and needed to be organized so they would grow to become a great kingdom. They used religion, partially (along with a strong leader), to help control these people and make them civilized, and that they would grow under that restraint. Such restraint was needed back then, I admit to my opinion, but do we need it any longer?
Some put so much faith into their religion, and some do not even have a religion. Some have a religion, but put not as much or little faith. Some in fact, disapprove of religion, and some defy religious beliefs. You get the idea, so let’s move on. Again, what does it really do for this world today?

My fellow interns and infectees, I’d like you, to answer this question: “Do We Need religion Anymore?” based on your opinions/ideas/etc., with a good, factual answer, with not some drivel and useless slobber, like that of a dog’s (though it does help for wounds).

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2014 ⏰

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