Chapter 2: Home Sweet Home

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Home Sweet Home

   Throwing my hoody on my head and clutching my bag, I sprint through the hall. Attempting to dodge obstacles in my path but failing, I hear many people shouting insults at me. 

"Watch it bitch!" said someone. Surprised that I didn't get a concussion, I try to find my sight which was virtually impossible. A cloud of bluriness had found its way to my left eye which was half closed, twitching and burning. The waterfall coming out of my eyes didn't help either. All it did was make the excrutiating pain last longer and made the moment replay in my head over and over again. Feeling my heart in my head; pounding, I feel someone's elbow smack into my forehead. Managing to look up at the person, it was the captain of the football team, Zayn Malik. With angered lips, he violently shoved me, which sent me flying, back first into the lockers. 

"Watch where you're fucking going!" he shouted before strutting away with his gang of friends who were laughing at me.

"Freak!" I hear Harry Styles say. Feeling more tears escalating from my eyes, I pick up my bag which had fallen out of my hands when he had pushed me. 

   Fuck the school bus, I thought as I saw it parked at the end of the road, with kids climbing onto it. Dinah and her gang sure will be there, invading the back row, shouting out insults at anyone that came into contact with their eyes. 

   Getting home was a nightmare. I had walked into so many people without realising they were in front of me. 

"Fuck sake." someone muttered as I budged them. 

   In the distance, I can spot my house, no police car in the driveway. Doing a sigh of relief, I think about how Dad would've reacted to me coming home earlier than usual. I decided not to go through the front door because I knew that I could get caught and I didn't want them to see me like this so I crept past the gate and tiptoed to the back door. Trying not to make too much sound when turning the door handle, I open the back door and creep through the kitchen, avoiding the Cheerios on the floor from this morning. Looking around to see if Mum was anywhere in sight, I heard the theme tune of Mum's favourite show. She's in the living room, I thought as I  tiptoe out of the kitchen. The stairs aren't too far away. Still clutching my school bag, I start walking up the stairs until-

"Lauren!" I heard my mum calling my name. Sighing angrily, I stop making a walk up the stairs and start walking into the living room. 

"Yes?" I answer, trying to sound as happy as I could. 

"You're home early." I nod. 

"Yeah, I decided to come home early to start on my school project, that's all." I lied, giving her a reassuring smile. Nodding, she says. 

"Oh that's good." she smiled. Nodding, I try to turn around again but I could feel my mum's presence just behind me, getting closer and closer. Grabbing my shoulders, she twists me around to face her. 'Oh Lauren! How many times do I have to tell you not to wear that hoody?' I shrug my shoulders. 'You're gorgeous! You have beautiful eyes and the loveliest hair in the world, everyone's jealous of it I can tell you that, if they could see it.' there she goes again with her stupid compliments that I don't care about. She's supposed to say this, it's in her job description. If only everyone thought of me like this at school but they couldn't see it, could they? 'If only I could burn that hoody right now! Gosh, take it off, you're not a thug.' she says, extending her arm to take off my hoody. Gesturing my head the other way, she pulls me back to face her. 

"Mum, get off me." I protested. She groans. 

"Come here babe." she took off my hoody and pushed my hair from my face. Trying to hide my face, certainly my left eye from her view, I bow my head a bit. 'Urgh! Lauren, you're beautiful!' she repeats. She pushed my hair entirely out of my face. 'You see, you are...' she began before widening her eyes. 'Lauren, what happened to your eye?' she says, tilting my chin to observe it closely. 

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