T H I R T Y- N I N E

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I spread my hands and smiled out at the crowd. "Questions?" I asked. Everyone's hands shot up into the air.

"You." I pointed at a middle aged, balding man wearing a red dress shirt.

"Dr Arizona, do they still allow you to operate?" He asked me.

"Actually, until now, nobody else but myself and Dr Avery knew about the cancer. This is the first I've told anyone of my illness. You next." I pointed out a young snobby looking woman in the front row.

"Why are you refusing any treatment?" She asked.

"I'm a surgeon. I've seen the terrible toll cancer treatment takes on the body only for it to fail 99 percent of the time. I want to spend the rest of my time, whether it be two days, two months , or two years operating and helping others. I may not be able to be cured, but I sure as hell can cure others." I looked down at my watch. "Unfortunately, that's all the time I have for today. Thank you all so much for being such an amazing audience and let's get one more round of applause for our other speakers." I applauded as I proceeded to the wings off stage.

Jackson Avery

"You knew?!" Richard and everyone turned on me. Somehow everyone else had gathered where Derek, Maggie, and I had previously been standing alone.

I held my hands up in defense, "She told me right before I got into the car accident. I guess in the midst of everything I forgot."

"You forgot-" Derek started to raise his voice at me.

"He was in a car accident, cut him some slack." Maggie cut in. I nodded at her gratefully.

"How did I do?" Payton asked happily as she made her way back toward us.

"You did amazing." I told her, pulling her into a side hug. She pushed away from me a little bit.

"Are we seriously still gonna do this?" I whispered to her, turning us away from the others.

"We agreed-"

"We agreed to wait until we were both serious about this. So unless you're not serious, if you don't wanna do this-"

Payton threw her hands up in the air. "Jackson, I've told you I. Am. Serious. About this. How many times do I have to tell you-?"

"Show me, Payton. You tell me, and I believe you, but then you go off and feel the need to hide our relationship from people."

"Fine," Payton set her jaw and whirled around to face the others. "Jackson and I are dating. There, are you happy?" She whirled back on me . Her phone went off and she stepped away to take the call.

I was surprised at the silence in the room. Nobody bombarding me with questions.

"Fuck!" Payton raised her voice and rushed back over. "Baby Samuel is back in the hospital, his pancreas is severely inflamed. We have to leave right now, there's a plane already ready and waiting for us at the airport about twenty minutes away. Let's go!" Payton said to me.

"I'll come with." Meredith interjected. We said quick goodbyes and set off for the airport.


We're here, where's Baby Samuel?" I asked as Dr Arizona, Dr Grey, and I walked into the hospital.

"Oh thank god you're here. He needs surgery ASAP so scrub quick." Robbins said. The three of us studied the scans as we made our way up to the OR.

"Crap, I have another 911." Robbins said. "Do you guys got this?"

"We've got him, go." I nodded at her.


"So, you two are dating." Meredith said, breaking the silence. "How long has that been going on?"

Paging Payton(A Grey Anatomy/Jackson Avery Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now