Chapter Γ

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Nicandros had left as soon as he could, having seen the beastly instincts of the Queen of death herself. He had stared into the eyes of a monster, of an animal even he could not comprehend. Her and her beasts had all carried that hunger no true human possessed. As they tore the lycan copy cat apart, he made his escape back to the palace seeing as he didn't want to be their next target. Even he could tell his loosing fights. Though as Nicandros lay in his silk sheets and tried calling for sleep, he could only think of the Glacier White Queen he saw painted in red.

Her snow white fur and dagger sharp teeth flashed in his mind, seeming to stain his thoughts just as the blood that trickled down her hair and lips did. His eyes bore into the top of his canopy, painting the image of the Queen who ruled over monsters. No words spoke of the true vicious nature of the Lycans, he'd seen first hand what happens to those who cross her land unannounced. His pack seemed a mere inconvenience.

Ambrosia had only bothered to take the crimson red robe her servants offered her when she returned. Allowing them to slip on the silk material as she breezed by their pleas to clean her, she had only one thing in mind. Though she was in no rush, she knew he'd be back. He could not escape if he wanted to.

So she passed his room, hearing his evened breathing as his heart seemed to slow as he drifted to sleep. For her however, sleep was for the weak, and no one slept tonight.


Ambrosia sad atop her throne, lazily eyeing her thephteroi as they moved the carved figures of different colored lycans around their placed map. Both siblings spoke rapidly, throwing out ideas onto their Queens uninterested ears. The moon had soon fallen, being replaced by the winter sun. It's heat slowly melting the snow that sat comfortably on the forest leaves. Her mind was elsewhere.

"My queen, our plans should be made immediately, should those red eyed imposters come back we'll be ready." Belen said, staring intensely at his Queen, knowing she cared nothing for their discussion. Calypso growled lowly, "We are always prepared." Her serious Hazel eyes boring into her brothers identical ones. Belen only huffed out his frustration.

Ambrosia only leaned forward in her seat, her crown heavy on her head as she stared at the lay out Belen had. "We feast as they come" is all she says, before she stands and leaves the room. She refused to acknowledge the Antigrafeís, as if they were worthy of becoming her enemy. They're as worthy as a dagger in combat, they do her no harm. Though for them to cross her land, she knew they had a plan. She chose to focus on matter more important, a full moon was soon to come. A full moon meant pups were to turn, and she could not have irresponsible blood thirsty hounds running uncontrolled.

Calypso follows her queen into the fighting corridor, waiting for a command. "Find him and bring him to me." The Queen need not say who she spoke of, Calypso knew the unspoken name. With nothing else she turned and left to retrieve the little wolf her queen was so fond of.

Ambrosia watched as her Lycan sparred with a pup, a father no doubt preparing his daughter for the coming moon. She walked up the stairs to a balcony that saw over the corridor. Two seats were positioned in the middle near the railing, perfect for watching, examining. With the coming moon many sparred, testing their strength and capability. Many were here to earn their position as a lycan. Those who failed would leave us, family or not. Their names would be made under the full moon, their oaths pledged to the Queen of Monsters.

Nicandros sat on the ledge of his open wall, eyeing the patrolling lycans and incoming hunters coming through the border of pines. They stood with authority, each lycan built as if they had been trained since birth. In a way they had, to thrive amongst beasts you bust become one yourself. Though he was no beast. Not like them. His heart was yet not cold.

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