The end

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I hope you liked it I'm an am muture and this is my first story!

2 years later

We were sitting by a fire camping out the sky was perfect it was a full moon,as I walked over to the fire I could tell something was wrong but I. Couldn't see what? But I just enjoyed it while it lasted! Anyway I did have to go back to America in 1 month so I wanted to spend as much as time with him as possible! Liam and I have been daiting for three years! It has been sod long but feels like so less and Finnally Liam said something

With a smile Liam said,"would u like some marshmallows?" of course I nodded in delight! A couple minutes later Liam started playing the guitar I could tell he had been practicing really hard!

Finnaly as soon as the light was coming up Lima said,"I need to tell you something

Then he crouched down on his knee and said,"Alisha you are so beautiful and perfect and co don't want to see you leave my side anytime soon I don't know why but with you I feel comets let different will you marry me?"

With a shout I screamed yes!

The the boys came out of no where and starters congratulating us!

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2012 ⏰

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