The Visitor<3!!

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-WRITER SPEAKING- NOW WHAT YOU BEEN WAITING FOR!!! Okay i might be slow up dating. mostly because i have allot of things 2 get done, like school, and allot of dumb home work. ~sigh~ well i hope you guys like i as well be letting you guys pick parts in the story. 

                A light tapping noise went against your window- right next to your bed. Your whole body freezes with fear. The tapping kept on going, so you turn your hear slowly to see what it is or who it is. The nearby tree rubbed against it making every little tap noise. You take a deep sigh of relief. You’re a little shook up from the whole demon talk with your mother. You snuggle under your covers- still thinking about who might this Amaimon guy be, and is he really the one who was in your dream, as well who wanted to claim you. ‘What if he ever came back to take his claim? Why did he pick me, or is there others? Why is he putting claims on people- as if there dog?’ Many question rambled on through your head. You had an uneasy feeling in your stomach as If someone was watching you.

                 Soon a big crash went down stairs. “What the…” you said while heading straight for the door. You open the door to see every light in the house were turned off. “Mom?” your voice was easy. Going along the wall trying to find your stairs with no answer. Your fingers finally touches the stair railing. You walk down slowly, putting the tip of your toes on the next stair so you won’t fall, and hurt yourself. you look around to see nothing. “Hmmm? A power outage?” you asked out load. ‘I guess I have to get the candles.’ You thought to yourself.  

                “Crash!” you hear it once again. It sounds like it’s in the guest room. You stood there trying to grab all the courage you have and move your feet towards the crashing. Soon you started moving then “Flick.” The quest room’s TV turned on. The Screams and the sound of gushing blood, and limbs getting torn apart.  You follow the sounds, and you soon seen the flashing of the TV. You stood in the entrance of the door- peering in to see no one was there. The covers on the bed were messed and mangled with.  

               “Crrreekkk…” a big long eerie creek went up the stairs. Chills went down your spine. The terror ran through you, you couldn’t even think to turn on the light. “Mom? Com-on is that you?” your heart started to race, and your hands started to shake. “Flick” the TV shut off, as well your mind. Darkness and silence filled the house. You sat down on the floor curling into a ball, as well leaning on the wall. Breathing in and out trying to calm yourself down. You were already spooked about Amaimon, now there might be a killer in your house. You took a deep sigh trying to push this out of your head.

                “What’s wrong?” That’s when it hit you. It was the same voice. You look to the sound of the voice to see empty blackness. “A…Amaimon?” that’s all you could say. “Ah I see that you do remember me.” His voice was amused. You nod your head yes-not really knowing if he could see you, but he must have by his reaction. “Grate, you’re wearing it that means you know what it means?” he asked. You couldn’t do nothing- so you just sat there lost in though. Your eyes widen when Amiamon leaned close to you propping his self on the wall.

                You stood up in reaction, as well still touching the wall. You darted in to the black nothingness. You hit something soft, but still hard enough to knock the air out of your lungs. Your face muffled into the couch cushions. You diced to push your back as hard as you could against the couch. Curling into a ball-hopping that he won’t see you. At least you’re hiding behind something. He can see in the dark.  

               “So our game of hide and seek is still going on.” his voice slowly creeping up your spine, and echoing in your head. Damn where is your mom when you need her. She always talking about how she will be there anytime were is she now. She must have heard all the noise that was going on. “Hmm, I have a feeling in getting warmer.” His voice was close- close enough to say he could be right behind. You already had the thought of giving up in your head, so you quickly lifted your head and sat up. You took a deep sigh ready for anything that comes your way.

                “Awe you give up. We were having so much fun.” His voice was disappointed, but still in a mocking tone of state. You didn’t know what to say, so you sat there in fear. “You were more fun back then, and I could never get you to shut up. What happen to you?” He asked taking a seat right next to you. You finally found your voice. “What… do you mean? We meet only once and my mom chased you off.” You look over to him seeing nothing- of course. “Oh com-on we played all the time in the garden. How don’t you remember?” he asked. It sounded more like he was asking his self. “Well sorry I don’t” your tone was a little sharp.

               Confusion ran through your head. You guys sat there in silence. “How has it been?” Amaimon asked-sliding over closer to you. “You’re trying to make casual conversation with me, after you intruded in my house, also making a big mess for me to clean up, And claiming me as if I’m an object that is yours.” You were fierce, and you kept your voice down, so your mom wouldn’t chaise away the only demon who can answer your question. There were no answer from your strange demon. Your voice was more calm. “Can I just ask you why? Why do you want me?” silence took over once again.  “You don’t have to be mine.” He said with a cover hint of pain.

               “It was a while back… you were four years old. We used to play prince and princes. That was your idea though.” He made sure he got that point across. “And you were the only human to take me for me. You didn’t run, you didn’t shout demon, or other names at me. Maybe because you were merely a child, but that’s the reason why I picked you.” his voice showed pain- a feeling you never thought a demon could feel. “Well I don’t understand why I don’t remember any of this.” You tried to keep the tone of empathy down. “Your mom used to call a priest over almost every day to bless you. I guess along with that he erase me out of your memory.” You just looked at the ground. “Why you stop coming?” your voice crackled.

               His voice had a hint of rage to it. “Your mother and that priest put a protection spell on you. the only way I can get near you Is when you put on the ring.” You both just sat there. An explaining feeling sunk in your stomach. You really did felt bad for him, you also yearned to remember the stolen memories your mom, and the unknown priest kept hidden. You took a deep sigh- breaking the strong wave of silence that coved you guys. You stand up asking… “Well what now?” You ask standing up from the couch. “That depends on you. I’ll only give you one day to decide on all of this. So do you want to be mine? Answer that in a day for me.” He as well stood up. You knew that because the creek in the couch. He grabbed the back of your head and kissed it. Without a sound he left. Your cheeks burn with red.

               ‘Hey! (Your name) Quit blushing!’  You demanded yourself. ‘Now what to do? I know that I don’t want to be claim, but then there is something in me telling me that I’m not for sure I want to let him go. Why is this happening to me?’ The thoughts went ramped in your head. You then took a deep sigh. ‘I should be getting some sleep foe school.’ You the yond, and creaked up stairs to your room. Your bed was soft, and that is what made you go out like a light.

-Writer speaking- well now its your turn to pick what happens. So please comment below, and tell me what should happen. what do you want to happen to you? Will you Stay with Amaimon? So please comment what shall be your destaney, and please comment if i should keep writting. share this!!! thank you!!!!!!!!! XD  

Amaimon X Reader!!! &lt;3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora