Unspoken Rules

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On the entire drive to her apartment, Perona kept replaying the encounter with her teacher at the book store. Is it even okay that students see teachers outside of school, because she felt like she'd broken some unspoken rule. It was weird to think that she could see Mr. Mihawk outside of the classroom. She mulled over those thoughts and the encounter more until she pulled up to her parking garage. She sets down her bags in her closet and gets ready for a shower. She had grabbed a black tank top and puffy pastel pink pajama shorts when she had set her bags down. School would be a bit awkward in Mr. Mihawk's class and there wouldn't be any way around that. She did her nightly routine to keep herself looking cute, but not for anyone in particular. Her mind flashed to her teacher sitting in her chair and how his newspaper was neatly folded in his lap. His hands had been neatly folded into his lap and his muscular and tone body shifted in the seat. Perona shook her head of the thoughts that were plaguing her. Funny how she just took into account those extra details. There was no denying that the 25 year old math teacher was attractive, especially when he basically has a cult following. But a relationship beyond student and teacher... Perona shook the thoughts away and went to lay in her bed. After restless shifting for a while, she was able to go to bed at about 11:00 p.m. Her sleep had been just as disorganized her previous thoughts.

Perona begrudgingly woke up to the irritating noise of a siren noise. She really needed to change that annoying ass alarm sound she had set on her phone. It was only 5:30 a.m., but she knew that if she didn't get up now, she wouldn't get up later. Perona sighed and forced herself out of her comfortable bed to get ready for school. She took a few minutes to get oriented and decide on an outfit. Finally, after some threw on some thought, she decided on a pair of pastel yellow jeggings, black booties, and a black strappy neckline top. Afterwards, she ate a nice breakfast, brushed her teeth, did her hair in space buns and then applied some makeup. It was about 7:30 when she had finished up grabbed her backpack, keys, and wallet to go out the door and into her car. Arriving at school 15 minutes before class was a balanced enough schedule for her. In fact, it was perfect because she got to chat with her friends and still arrive to class on time. Her first period class is History with Ms. Nico Robin; who was already there and greeted her warmly. Perona got along well with most teachers at her school except a select few, but that is a given for anybody. "Good morning Perona! How are you today?" Ms. Robin asked. "I'm good Ms. Robin, how are you doing?" She replied. "Oh fine, fine. Ah but Perona, I was wondering if you happen to have any of the late assignments ready for me?" Perona's face cringed a bit upon hearing this. She honestly hated letting down teachers she actually enjoyed being in class with. She felt like a failure and hung her head a bit, the truth was she couldn't find the motivation. Her actions told the Ms. Robin enough. Graciously, the teacher said,"It's fine Perona as long as I have at least something in two days. You know that the first quarter is ending soon and bad grades won't ever be a helpful aide toward your career." Perona slumped but gratuitously accepted the leniency." Thank you Ms. Robin! I promise I'll have everything done within the next two weeks and something to hold you over by tomorrow or the day after!" With this, Perona went to her seat in class and the minute bell rang while Ms. Robin headed to the lesson board. Pretty soon, students had flooded into the class room, a few most likely had sprinted from the sweat beads and heavy breathing. The bell rang and a few stragglers filed in and to their seats for the lesson. History wasn't her favorite subject, but she was decent at it. Plus, the way Ms. Robin taught it was interesting and was easy to pick up on. Soon, class was over and there was some free time to talk and work before it was time to leave. Perona didn't have any close friends in this class, but did have a couple people she got along with and could make small talk with. After a couple minutes, class ended and everyone scurried out to go to the next. Perona stayed back to talk to Ms. Robin. "Thank you so much Ms. Robin for being patient and understanding. I promise I'll have at least half of the work done and turned in to you by Wednesday." Robin just smiled and patted her back. "Okay, but please don't forget Perona!" She then scurried out of the classroom and to her locker to grab her things for the next class. Lost in thought and not looking as to where her path was leading her, she bumped into a firm and tall figure. Startled, Perona dropped her things and looked up to see the back of the one person she could do without seeing right now. He turned around to look at her, his gaze focused on her. "Mr. Mihawk? I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was walking and I just got lost in thought and the-" her rambling was cut short by the raise of his hand and with his eyes turned to her, he spoke, "It's okay." He then got down and started gathering her things for her. He then stood up, his figure towering over her and he handed her her things. Embarrassingly enough she snatched it out of his hands, furiously blushing and ran past him. 'Oh lord,' she thought 'math will not be even slightly bearable today.' At least she still had science, art, Spanish, lunch, Creative writing, and then the dreaded math class to end the day.

~Skip to lunch, please~

Perona got out of Spanish and headed into the cafeteria. She scanned the tables for a bit before seeing her best friend, Victoria Cindry. Cindry and Perona were basically sisters not by blood but by bonds, and go to each others' the places at least once a week. Cindry is a petite blonde who is kind, beautiful and smart, which always made Perona question why Cindry is friends with her when she could be friends with anybody in the entire school or world for that matter. She always just laughs and tells Perona that she'd rather not be surrounded by superficial people who focus on the outside more than the inside. Plus, Perona is a treasured friend to her and makes her laugh. Cindry was a junior unfortunately so Perona would be stuck with a year without Cindry until the year she graduates. As she heads towards the lunch table with Cindry and a few other friends and acquaintances, she does the unthinkable. With her lunch in hand, she trips and her lunch box kindly decided to dump out the contents all over the floor. Of course being in a room full of other teenagers all they did was laugh at her, but a few nicer ones went over to her. Cindry rushed to her side and quickly dragged her out of the cafeteria after picking up the spilled contents. "Thanks Cindry I don't know what I'd without you." She said while Cindry helped her freshen up and recover the hurt pride in the restroom. "Well, with the cute looks you have there has to be some sort of setback, so of course I come in handy to help you out of the messes you and your clumsy self get in to." Cindry answered. Perona just sort of slumps over a little but doesn't say anything to the unsuspecting Cindry. Perona and Cindry both go to leave the restroom until Cindry notices the applesauce mark on her friend's pants. "Perona don't go out to the lunchroom, we have to go to your locker." Cindry states and pushes Perona in the other direction. "What for Cindry?" Perona asks. "Your lunch decided to get on your clothing after your little dive on to the cafeteria floor earlier." the girl in question answers. "Oh." "Yeah." Good thing there was always a spare outfit in Perona's locker. The duo quickly rushed to her locker and then back to the restroom to make a quick change. By the time the whole ordeal is over, they have about 17 minutes to eat their food.
Perona shovels the food down and finishes her lunch in about 10 minutes, while her peers around her just shake their heads at her and continue on with the conversation while she occasionally grunts or nods along. The lunch bell rings and Perona exits out with her now galaxy leggings. Perona only had one class left now before she'd have to go into math. Creative writing was a class the Perona enjoyed a lot because everyone there was there to write, not fight. Also, it was one of the classes that Perona had a decent grade in along with Spanish, science and art. It was just history and math which bothered her. However there was a big difference. In history, she understood but was unmotivated to do packets upon packets of work. In math, however, she didn't understand the class or feel the motivation to do it. If only those two classes weren't so significant, she wouldn't have to worry about her grade point average being so low, but Perona was never one for extreme luck. Creative writing just helped her cool down and relax. She just feels happy to be in her own space while she gets to pour her emotions and ideas out through paper and pencil. What feels like only minutes of writing is actually the whole class period, to her dismay. She only realizes that time is up when the bell rings, startling her from her thoughts and imagination. "Just a few more words~" she whines aloud to no one in particular. The teacher, Ms. Monet, laughs amusedly at her student's whine. "Perona it's only Monday and it's not as if you are confined to writing in just this classroom." she says. Perona just sighs and replies,"It is the best place to write though," and she then puffs out her cheeks while she sulks out of the classroom and in to the class she dreaded the most. Perona walks into the math classroom to find it empty or at least she had thought it was empty.

End of chapter 2! Thank you to everyone who read this. And the kind of sort of cliff hanger that I left it on.

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