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I guess I was stuck with what he had. That idiot doesn't know how to cook.

I sat on the sofa eating some ramen... And drinking soda.
Then I heard some weird noise coming from the back. It was creepy. Plus I'm all alone in the damn house too.

I shrugged it off and continue watching tv. I shoved the noodles in my mouth again and suddenly hear that sound again! But louder. I choked on my noodles and spit it back out in my bowl.

" Aish what the fuck!?" I stood up and look towards the back.

Jungkook has a backyard and he had a sliding window to go to it through the kitchen.

I walked to the kitchen to put away the bowl and drank some water...
Then I turned to the door.
My eyes widen at what was standing outside of Jungkook's backyard door.

It was a guy dressed in all black... He had a hats and hood on.
H-he was trying to break into the house!
I ran to the table and grabbed out a chair. I put it against the door to make sure that dumbass doesn't come, but when I put it there he looked at me and I saw what was on his face.

My heart trembled and my hands shook.

His eyes were burning red, and his mouth was kinda crooked. His. Face was kind of deformed..

He looked at me like a crazy person. Chills running up my arms and legs, I ran to every door in the house o could find and lock it or shove something next to it.

I felt scared... What if he somehow gets in?
What will I do? Jungkook's not around, he probably busy sucking someone's face.

I went to the living room and ten off the tv so I can listen to the noise around, but something caught my attention.

" there seems to be reporting a man in his thirties running around.. He broke out of jail just last night and the police are currently looking for him, he is dangerous and is armed with a weapon, be careful and lock all your doors and make sure you go out with a friend, if you see a man that looks like this please report to the police..." After the woman said that the picture popped up.
" t-that man.." I said with tears about to fall out.

I was shaking insides and it was because he was just outside of the door....

I started looking around for my phone, I was panicking and scared for my life.
I found my phone under Jungkook's bed after an hour and called the police.

" 911 what's your emergency?"

" hi, I saw the man that was reported in the news this morning, outside my door." I said shakily.

" what's your address?"

I told her Jungkook's address...

" please come quickly. I'm scared." I panicked.

" yes ma'am, you have to calm down and lock all your doors, the police is on there way, but your house is a bit far for us so it will take about 15 minutes."

" mm, just hurry." I say as I look around the house.

" is he still out there?"

" um, I think he-" I stopped and flinched when all the lights went out..... The electricity!!!! got shut off.

I start panicking. Because Jungkook's house was all the way up in the mountains and around 5pm it would start to get dark. AND RIGHT NOW ITS FUCKING 6:45pm!!

I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a knife.
Then I looked around Jungkook's house for more protection.

After that I sat in the living room with a bat, knife, and taser in my hands. The dark was taking up the whole place... So I decided to just listen to any noise that can mean he is trying to break in.

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