Enchanted - Chapter Four

Start from the beginning

            “Well I actually have one, believe it or not. The Land Before Time was my favorite movie as a kid. But the best dinosaurs was the Stegosauruses.” Louis replied, getting strange looks from the host and producer.

“Next question!” The host announced, taking the iPad from Louis.


            After answering so many questions Louis got used to reading them aloud, before he even thought of what the question was asking he read it into the microphone,“Do you have a crush on anyone? If so who?”

            “I—uh do actually. But I can’t tell you who because h—I can’t tell you. They might be listening.” Louis slapped himself mentally. He had almost slipped up, and Harry didn’t even know about it. That could have been horrible for him.

            “Times up folks, Louis’ got to hit the road, thanks for coming Louis.” The DJ shook the tall boy’s hand.

            Louis bid everyone goodbye, and headed out of the studio.  As soon as he was seated in the car, which was being driven by one of his bodyguards, Louis pulled out his phone to see if Harry had texted anything back.


You’re going to America? Will we be able to still talk?




LOUIS answer your damn phone. I know you’re not in the damn interview anymore.


Yeah? Haha.


Who do you like? Will we be able to talk? An h?


No. You don’t get to know whom I like. And I will be able to text you while I’m in America.


What about my last question?


It may have slipped. ;)


-screams- OH GOD. You just made my life.


I don’t understand. How did I do that? Haha


You just came out. And yeah you’re my role model.


I actually didn’t. I have to go Haz. Talk to you later.

                  Harry sighed and texted Louis a goodbye before setting his phone down and walking into the kitchen. Harry stuck his head in the refrigerator, searching for something to cook for dinner. Niall was coming home late from the diner so Harry thought it’d be nice to have dinner ready when he got home.

                  When Niall arrived home he was happy to see the left overs on the counter for him, he thanked his roommate before digging in.

                  “You should be a cook ‘Arry.” Niall told the other boy with his mouth full of potatoes.

                  “You think so?” Harry chuckled, cleaning up the mess his friend made.

                  “This stuff it really good!” Niall complimented before digging in for more.

                  “Thanks Niall.” Harry mumbled, blushing.



When do you leave for America?


I have 3 days, but I’m spending most of the time with my family before I leave.


I hope you have fun with them; tell daisy, phoebe, fizz and lottie I say hi. =)


How do you know their names? Wait… never mind. Don’t answer that.


Did someone forget that they were famous? :P


Maybe. It happens a lot actually, but back to the question. Why did you ask when I was leaving?


I was hoping I could see you before you left, but you’re busy. I understand


I’d love to see you Haz. But I can’t. Maybe when we get back? Or we could try Skype chatting.


Yeah. That may work. I’m going to bed Louis. Goodnight.


Night Haz.

                  Louis set his phone down on the desk, he was currently scribbling away on a piece of paper, trying to write down all the lyrics that popped into his head at once. He usually wouldn’t be staying up this late, but the thought of Harry sparked something in his mind, and words gradually came to him.

                  It was about 1 in the morning before Louis was proud of what he had written about the amazing boy he hadn’t even met yet. He shut off the lamp on the desk and made his way to his bed in the dark room.

                  “Fuck.” Louis mumbled to himself when his toe accidently collided with one of posts on his bed, at least he found it.

                  Louis slipped under the covers in his bed, the lasts thoughts he had before he fell asleep were the lyrics to the song he just wrote…

“Cause I wanna wrap you up

Wanna kiss your lips

I wanna make you feel…”

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