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Chani returned to school with the most unexpected opportunity he ever had. Turns out, there was a scout from the FNC company and they believed his talent for dancing was very exceptional. Not only Chani, but Taeyang and Hwiyoung were given the same chance. The scout wanted them to train and aim to debut together because their teamwork and cooperation together was very smooth and outstanding. Obviously, the three boys agreed to this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Chani's schedule became more full and busy since he entered the entertainment company. As a trainee, he had to make his way straight to the company building after school and he trained with Taeyang, Hwiyoung, and other trainees until late at night. The members of the household didn't see him much on weekdays anymore. He would normally return home late and eat leftovers from dinner before going to sleep.

The household became more quiet with the absence of the youngest, but everyone continued on with their daily lives. Youngbin's company expanded successfully abroad and the sales and profits were doing very well. This also meant he had to do more travelling. Since he didn't want the London problem to happen again. He hired a bodyguard who would would always follow Inseong and him. His name was Zuho and he had quite a fierce appearance- in contrast to his personality. He did his job right though, and managed to protect Inseong and Youngbin when an incident occurred in New York.

Some unavoidable celebrations would occasionally bring the family together again. For example, birthdays and the Lunar New Year, but besides that, not as much interaction would happen.

Youngbin's father sometimes came to visit, like Youngbin suggested at Christmas. He got used to Chani soon enough and his curiosity on him began to die down. It wasn't long before he gladly accepted Chani as his second son.

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