Chapter Three- Wide Open Spaces

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[A/N] Howdy folks :D Okay I know this chapter is really late but I really hope even a few of you havn't given up on the story. 

This chapter is a little boring but,  all the drama and stuff does come along in the next one. I promise XD

Also If anyone would be kind enough to make a video for this story I wold do just about anything lol

P.S Check out the video on the side, the song is just amazing :D

Love <3

Chapter Three.



The powerful voice boomed, snapping me from my tormenting thoughts.

"Do it now!"

The same voice called. A voice that sent shock waves of fear down my spine. It was strange to think that once this same voice had sent shock waves of a different kind through me, it had once ignited every nerve ending in my body and left me tingling all over. His voice was like velvet running across my skin, leaving only warmth and a sensual burning in it's path. But in that moment it was rusty nails clawing at my flesh.

My body shook violently as I took in the scene unfolding before my undead eyes. It was chaos. People ran screaming from their homes, children searched for the parents that I knew they would never find. Home's burnt to the ground, churches and schools were destroyed within seconds and flames licked every surface around me.

The village glowed orange and red, it was beautifully tragic. I wished the fierce wind that blew would extinguish the flames, but did nothing more than fan the inferno stared by my people. My family. Me.

I looked at the mayhem we had caused and never in my life, nor after life had I felt so much like throwing myself into the flames and ending it all. Forever, this time. I knew, however, he wouldn't let me. He had given me this life he considered a gift, but I knew was a curse and he would not let me end my contract with the devil so easily.

"Lydia! Now!"

He yelled over the pandemonium. All this for me, for what I done. 


A softer voice whispered. My eyes snapped to the reason for all this. Henry. My Henry. 

"Please do it. I would rather suffer this fate a thousand times than see you so fearful. Lydia, sweet girl, please do as he asks."

I could see the flames reflecting in his bottomless brown eyes and for a selfish moment I admired the beauty. I always knew he had a fire within.

"I-..I Can't."

I wept, and in that moment I swore I would never stop. Tears streamed down my cheeks and from the look on my beloveds face I could tell my tears hurt him more then the two massive vampire, which held him roughly by the arms.

It was a war and I stood alone in the middle of the battle field, a middle ground between two nations, the one I belonged to and the one which I was forbidden to go. 

 "Love, don't cry-.."

Henrys words were cut by the sound of bones in his right arm snapping like dry twigs. 

"Vile human. You have no right to speak!"

The large vampire on his right hissed.

I lunged towards him. In that moment I had never been so blood thirsty, never so vicious, but I would have killed him. Wiped the pitiful man from existence. I would have, had it not been from the strong arms that suddenly yanked me back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2012 ⏰

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