Chapter 5: Bikes And Birthdays

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February 24th, 2016.

Carrie and Harrison were asleep when Carrie's phone started ringing at midnight.

Carrie and Harrison woke up with a groan. "What's going on?" He asked.

"I don't know,"

Carrie answered the phone and heard her brother practically yell, "It's my birthday, happy birthday to me!"

Carrie sighed and rolled her eyes. "Todd Fisher, me and Harrison were asleep. You woke us both up." Carrie said.

"Oh, put me on speaker phone!"

Carrie put him on speaker phone and he yelled again. "It's my birthday!"

"Isn't he two years younger than you?" Harrison asked.

Carrie nodded. "Surprisingly, yes. He's now 22." She said.

"I don't know about you, but I'm feeling twenty two!" Todd sang very loudly over the phone.

"He does this every year on his birthday, calling me at random hours of the day and making a fool of himself. He's never called at midnight though." Carrie said. "Well, I'll let you two sleep and by the way, it's not midnight in America. Sorry to wake you both, goodnight and happy birthday to me." He said.

Carrie and Harrison both giggled. "Happy birthday to you!" They both exclaimed then Carrie hung up the phone.

"He is hilarious!"

Carrie smiled. "He's not at midnight. I'm tired, Harry, goodnight." She said and Harrison planted a kiss on to her forehead. "Goodnight, sweetheart, sleep well." He said then they both laid back down and went to sleep.


Carrie had been sitting on the stupid bike for two hours straight.

"Ok, George, this is really getting on my nerves. Why in God's name do I have to sit on this bike for so long? I've sat here doing nothing more than I've actually shot the scene. My head hurts, I feel nauseous, and I want to go to sleep! So can we please for the sake of my sanity stop shooting this scene for the day?"

George sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Let us get one more take then we'll call it a day." He said.

Carrie smiled and looked over at Mark then back at George. "Thank you so much, I can handle that." She said.

George smiled and went to get the scene ready.


Carrie was laying in her bed with a cool rag on her forehead when Harrison walked in. She had her eyes closed so he quietly went over to her and placed a kiss to her lips.

"Harry, where have you been?"

"I was playing pool at Kenny's trailer with Peter and Anthony. How did filming go today?" He asked.

"Well, I had to sit on that stupid bike for two hours. Finally, after telling Lucas off, we got the scene done. Oh, it was horrible! That is the most boring scene I've had to ever shoot." She said.

Harrison took his flip flops off and got into the bed beside her. "I'm sorry, sweety. Hopefully, that's the last time you'll have to do that scene." He said as he hugged her.

Carrie smiled. "Yeah, I hope so. I don't know if I can keep getting on that stupid bike."

Harrison smiled. "You really told Lucas off?" He asked and Carrie giggled. "Not too bad . . . I was fed up, Harrison." She said and Harrison laughed.

"You are so adorable. I love you, Carrie."

"I love you more."


The next day, they did Carrie's scene where she met the Ewok wicket who is played by Warwick Davis.

Harrison watched the scene and laughed at Carrie's character Leia try to talk to a walking teddy bear. She was so cute. Her facial expressions, her hair, the way she tried to become friends with the little teddy bear. She would be such a great mother. He'd seen her feed Warwick chocolate milk and cookies between scenes when he was hungry. Of course she'd do the same for her kids! No doubt about it!


Harrison turned and saw his wife standing in front of him.

"Hi sweetheart."

"We just got done with the scene. What were you thinking about?" She asked with a smile. "Just about the baby we're going to have soon. Carrie, you are going to be a great mother." He said and Carrie smiled.

"Thank you, Harry. I'm so happy to have you."

"I'm more than happy to have you."

Carrie giggled. "You're going to be a great father. You're so overprotective that when our children have a boyfriend or girlfriend, you're going to give them a very hard time." She said and Harrison kissed her.

"Let's go back to the trailer."

Carrie took Harrison's hand and they walked off together.

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