Home Sweet Home

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As we started floating to land we started to think where are we going to  go. Me and todd was just sitting there thinking. Until a light bolb came in my head. I told todd a have an idea. That was the quickest ive seen him jump up. He said what is it. I said we can go back to the store and worn every boby that the great humans is not as great as you think they are. So we finally made it to land and on are way there i meet a latin lover and tood meet her sister it took us year to make it there. So on the way there I had a kid name tobby and todd wasent ready for kids. So we finally made and as we got there every body was panicing i asked hotdog what was wrong he said the humans are out to get us.

So i thought to myself maybe it was just me and todd that thought humans was great because we've been in a box for my whole life. So i yelled ''every body calm down if we team up we can defeat the humans". So we all huttled and we came up with a plan when the humans bought us move around and speak they would freak out and drop you. Then u kick them and ketchup amd mustard will squirt them in the face and run to freedom,and thats exactly what we did. Until all of us was free.

                         THE END

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