Welcome in naples

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Hi, I'm Matthew Gray gubler and I want to tell you my fantastic holiday in Naples and what happened.
First I have taken the plane from Nevada to Capodichino. From Capodichino I should have taken the bus which would have brought me to Naples' historical centre, but I didn't. There I found a bored girl who was waiting the bus was well. Or so I thought: I tried to speak with this serious ( and maybe also angry!) girl 'cause I wanted to know why the bus was late and how long would I have to wait for it, but she couldn't speak English very well so I had to repeat the same sentences over and over again.
But finally she understood and she told me it was useless for me to wait for the bus because it was always late. So she suggested me to call someone who would have took me where I wanted to go. I was very sad because I didn't know anyone in Naples and I didn't know how I could get to the historical centre. I told that to the girl. She was very sad about my situation and told me to wait with her a her cousin who would have took me to where I wanted. I tried to say that she didn't have to, but she was very stubborn and when her cousin came with his car she took me in telling my situation to our courier who was very happy to bring me where I had to go. I was very embarrassed in that moment (I was in a stranger's car with kind people, but I didn't know them!) but I was also very happy.
In the car they asked me some question like who I was, what's my name, how old I was and other things. And I asked the same questions: I knew that the girl was a high school student who went in Poland to visit Kracow, Auschwitz and Birkenau with her school; she told me that she appeared so angry and sad because she was very tired. She was very kind with me and her cousin too who, seeing me so skinny and noticing that it was breakfast time, took me to a bakery where they made me taste a Neapolitan sweet: the Shu. It was very good. Then they took me to the centre of the city, I went out of the car and said goodbye, waving my hand; they did the same.
I haven't seen them anymore :(
In the centre I decided to go for walk. While I was looking a shop window interested to buy any souvenir, when I felt something pressing on my back. I saw for few minute back to me for knowing what it was and I saw a knife.
I was so afraid!!!!
The thief told me something in Italian but I didn't understand and I try to said it. He pressed my face on the shop window and put one his hand in my tasks to take my money while with the other hand pressed my back with the knife. I tried to scream and ask help but the thief kicked me.
It was horrible but finally he went away (with my money😡) faster.
Then a little and nice old woman went out from the shop and told me something in Neapolitan languages. I didn't understand what she was telling me, I was afraid for the last moment and so I tried to go away from there, but the old woman stopped me and, looking me so much afraid, she taken me in the shop. She tried again to speak with me in her language, but in there moment I could only say <I don't speak Italian, I'm sorry>.
<America> said to me the nice woman and I told yes, then she screamed out of the shop a name: <Maria>
(I didn't understand why that woman screamed but then I learned that in Naples some time if they want to call someone near them they go out of a window or a door and they scream. But this thing happen only in poor places of the city)
I understood a word screamed by a young and fat girl who appeared faster in: <Nonna> that in Italian means grandmother.
The young Maria and her grandmother told among them some words in their language and after all the conversation the girl asked me in English what happened. I said her about last robbery and my idea to denounce everything but she suggested me to don't do that because the police in Italy it's not interested to a robbery to an American tourist so she suggested me to let it go. I was very angry.
Maria translated what I said to her grandmother who told me with a nice Neapolitan accent <Sorry> and she did to sit me on a chair into the shop, then she went out to the shop and after three minutes she go back with pizza that we all together ate.
The best pizza I never eat in all my own life! This made me happy again 😊!!!
The girl, while we ate and tried to speak among us, went out of the shop screaming a name: Zio 'Tonio
Zio Tonio came in and said hello to the woman on the shop with a kiss on the face, then he spoke in Italian to me but I didn't understand and said again <I don't speak Italian, I'm sorry>
<America> he told me and I said yes.
Maria told to Zio Tonio why I was here and so the man went out to the shop and after five minutes went back with four cups of coffee and four brioches. We ate and drank and tried to speak among all of us.
Then I said that I have to go out of the shop I thanked everyone; they was sad 'cause I have to go away so they wanted to do to me a present: they give me a souvenir of Naples gratis. I told them thanks, I said goodbye to them wasting my hand and I went out.
Now I was very happy.
In Naples' historical centre I saw most famous museums and monuments like the national museum in Piazza Museo, the San Severo Chapel, Porta Alba, the New Jesus' Church in Piazza del Gesù Nuovo, the fantastic San Michele Church and Dante Alighieri statue in Piazza Dante. I saw also longest and LITERALLY central street of Naples: Spaccanapoli. This street was very long, but also so strict. If I wanted to walk there I had to walk back other people, in single-file line 'cause it was very strict; I didn't see cars there, but I saw a lot of scooter parking there and where was sitting some guys who ate pizzas, Crocchè, Zeppole and Panzarotti, some other typical meal of this city. They saw me and they did to understand to me that I had to got closer to them. They offered me one of yours Crocchè which I tried to refuse, but they insisted and I ate it. It was very good and hot! I tried to speak with them, but they didn't know English very well. I Knew They had their home near Spaccanapoli and they went there to eat pizza of a their pizza maker friend whom I knew and I spoke with him.
Then I played football with guys. They were very strong
I saw the fantastic Piazza Plebiscito and the biggest Coast of Naples where I saw the big Del Ovo Castle and near the castle there was a big park. I came in the park and I saw a men who sold many little electrical minicar to some child who were. I would bought one minicar, but I couldn't because I didn't have money.
I was very sad :,-(.
But I was very lucky: I met a my fan, a nice guy who see Criminal Minds. I did a photo with him and then I spoke with him about my holidays and my adventures in Naples; he was very sad for the bad episode with the thief so he bought me one minicar and he hugged me. And I hugged him!!!
He asked me if I had seen Vomero, where he lived with his family, or Capodimonte's Wood. I answered no, so He decided to took me there. I saw first Capodimonte's Wood. It was very big and there was a lot of people, especially mothers with their children, who played among them. No one was controlling the smartphone, everyone was playing or walking or speaking... They looked so happy.
In Capodimonte's Wood there is a Museum which my new friend wanted to look so I followed him. It was small but also very interesting.
It was so late when the guy took me in Vomero. It is a strangest place: there are some make up shop one near the other, three ice cream shops in the same sidewalk, and pizzerias everywhere!
There I had also seen a shop which sold ONLY CHEEPS OR ONLY FRIED FISH! FANTASTIC!
In Vomero were a lot of street artists and they were very talented. I admired them with opened mouth. There were a lot of book shops in which you could find only type of books written in every language in the world. I saw there a copy of the Coran in French. In Naples! So strange!
The night ended fast and I had to go to the Hotel that I had reserved for me  from my home in Las Vegas so I wasted my friend (who hugged me again :)) and I went away from Vomero.
In the Hotel I ate Maccheroni's Frittata and it was so good, then I went to bed: I was SO TIRED 😴
When I got up being near the sea I went to the sea and there I was all the day taking the sun.
The day after I had to take the plane to come back home.
I was here for only two days, so I didn't see every museums or every castle or every monuments of Naples, but I had fun with a lot of nice and funny people and I ate the best food in the world!
So I liked this holidays and I think I could go back to Italy one day

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