Chapter 29 [📱]

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Day 1

I watched the clouds roll by outside the window as we soared through the sky.

We were on our way to Miami after I begged Jonas to give me some time off. He put his foot down and said I couldn't and, for a second, I thought about just wishing for his permission. But then again, I didn't even have wishes because the reason I wanted to go home was because of my requirement. Luckily, Phantasm was there and helped me with him.

"Can you really last three days without wishes?"

Phantasm had a look of challenge in her eyes and I just laughed it away. When she told me to say goodbye to the people I've met, I knew I shouldn't rush it. That's why I decided to separate my goodbyes into three days.

This day was to say goodbye to the people closest to me.

"I lived twenty years without wishes. I think three days is going to be fine."

"What're you going to tell them though?"

That was actually a good question. I couldn't say goodbye outright, of course. That would open up questions I wasn't ready for. "I don't know," I said, honestly. "I just know that when I'm there, I'll know what to say."

All night, I've tried to write the words I'm going to say but my pen wasn't moving. My mind was blank and cluttered at the same time. That's when I gave up and decided that speaking from the heart was better than speaking from paper.

"They won't remember you."

I turned to her and saw the blank look on Phantasm's face. "What?"

She looked around before giving me a sad smile. "That's how undoing wishes work. Everyone you've met in this life? They'll forget about you."

"E—everyone?" I stuttered.

She nodded and sighed. "You'll go back to that night you came back from work. It would be like you never met me."

It would be like I never lived this life. I would never meet Fifth Harmony, Shawn, or Macy. We would lead different lives without knowing that we once shared laughter and tears together. And that's when a sudden thought came to my mind—a thought that made my lips shake.

I grabbed Phantasm's hands in mine and looked into her eyes. "I—if I'm going back... does that mean..."

My lips couldn't form the next words. I was afraid that I was hoping for something that wouldn't happen. Hesitation made me nervous and yet I anticipated the answer as I realized Phantasm knew what I wanted to ask.

She smiled and nodded. "You'll see your sister again."

My heart swelled and I couldn't stop the tears falling from my eyes. Sam would live again, the rules wouldn't matter anymore. I would get to hold her again and protect her. I even began asking myself why I didn't make this wish sooner.

But then Phantasm answered that unasked question too.

"But as you said, every dream comes with a price. And the price of seeing your sister again, is letting go of someone else."


"Why'd you visit all of a sudden? Is something wrong?" asked Macy as she opened the door for us. Phantasm and Jackson followed me inside the house.

"No, I just wanted to see how things were going here."

Macy nodded. "Well alright, she's in the living room. I'll leave you guys to catch up."

"Macy, wait," I said, grabbing her arm to stop her. I looked at Phantasm and nodded. She smiled and walked up the stairs, leaving only the three of us. "Jackson, can you watch over my mom?"

Phantasm (Phantasm, #1) - Camila/YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon