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@dom_weasley : The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn

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@dom_weasley : The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn." — John Muir


Posted: November 16th

@asher.gray my girl looking beautiful as always

@dom_weasley @asher.gray ily <3

@vic_weasley deep

@lily_potter ^

@rose.w I hate you Dominique. Your fall pic is way better than mine

@dom_weasley nah you slayin ;) damn what a deep caption

@molly_w proud dom. Your the only Weasley/Potter to ever be this deep and serious

@dom_weasley @molly_w lol especially when the whole fam is a bunch of clowns

@dom_weasley ^ @james_potter @freddie.w @louis_weasley

@james_potter excuse me!

@james_potter who you calling a clown

@freddie.w I take great offense to that

@freddie.w I am not a clown. I am a prankster, a legend

@lily_potter @freddie.w haha some legend you are

@louis_weasley wait why did you tag me?

@louis_weasley I thought James and Fred were the only idiots of this family

@james_potter @louis_weasley I take great offense to that

@al_potter haha thanks dom for not tagging me ^

@dom_weasley @al_potter haha no problem. You guys and @tedlupin are the only normal guys in our fam

@james_potter ^ this is unfair

@freddie.w ^^ we need justice

@tedlupin ly like always dom

@james_potter and yet here I thought I was your fav cousin

@dom_weasley @james_potter you are but your still an idiot

@james_potter why thank you

@al_potter ^^ @james_potter she just insulted you man and you're saying thanks?

@james_potter wait what?

@james_potter DOMINIQUE

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