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"This is a terrible idea,"

Romulus looked at Clawd.

Him, Cameron and Deuce were unloading the van while the others went to look around.

"What is?," Romulus asked.

"Taking a group of girls who've never went camping in their entire lives, camping," Deuce answered, carrying one of Cleo's bags to the cabin.

Frankie ran to the van, grabbing something out of the front seat.


The green girl turned, looking at Romulus in curiosity. "Hm?,"

"Have you ghouls... ever been camping before?,"

She shook her head. "Well, no. But how hard can it-,"

Frankie was cut off by sudden scream.


They watched as Cleo ran into the cabin, waving her arms in terror.

Curious, Frankie, Romulus, Cameron and Clawd went over to investigate.

When they reached the dock, they saw Howleen, Draculaura, Abbey and Clawdeen looking into the water.

"Can possums swim?," Howleen turned to Cameron.

Cocking her head in confusion, Cameron took her place so she could see, gasping at what she saw.

A little baby possum trying to keep it's head above the lake water.

Acting as if it wasn't a wild animal, she scooped it up, holding it by the scruff of its neck.

The small creature was shivering, it's whole body shaking.

"Don't possums have like, diseases and stuff?," Draculaura asked.

Cameron just shook her head. She held the baby in her hands, gently rubbing it's back.

She frowned, looking around, and up in the trees.

She hummed. "Weird,"

"What?," Howleen asked.

"Baby possums are supposed to stay with their mother until they're at least three pounds. This one is barely two pounds," Cameron explained, frowning slightly.

"What are you gonna do with it?," Clawd asked.

"I say put out of misery," Everyone turned to Abbey, staring in shock as she held up a large rock. "Too much?,"

They nodded and she sheepishly set the rock down.

"I'll keep him," Cameron shrugged, answering Clawd's question. "He's too little to be on his own,"

Romulus smile slightly as he watched her let the possum grip her fingers.

"What do possums even eat?," Clawdeen asked as they headed back to the cabin.

"Fruits, grubs, acorns...," Cameron trailed off as they entered the wooden structure.

Cleo instantly noticed the rodent in the werewolf's hands.

"Ew, ew, ew," She stood, quickly leaving the room.

Clawdeen rolled her eyes.

"Why go camping if you're afraid of nature?,"


Howleen watched in awe as Cameron fed the baby possum- who was now named Harvey- a strawberry.

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