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Hi my name is Amanda. My last name is Coststar, most people think that it's weird last name, but I don't. You see, it's my Mum's and Dad's. My Dad's name is Cost, yes he is the famous CEO of Industries, but to be honest, unlike my most people I don't give a shit about that, because at the end of the day he's still my Dad, even if he's famous. After all this is normal for me, I mean, it is my life.

My dad met mum at this big convention for something that his Dad was using top get the sponsors on board with one of his wasn't love at first sight though, it was an arranged marriage between his parents and Clara's parents. Clara is my mum, Clara star the flutist that was the daughter to a powerful company. My Dad's family is VERY traditional, so there was absolutely no way for him to get out of it,so they were married. Not that it lasted long though...To be honest...they didn't like each other at all... so it was no surprise that my mum cheated on Dad and they got a divorce.

I don't hate my mum for cheating on dad, it's not her fault she didn't love him, what was she supposed to do? Stay with him and waste away her life with someone she didn't love, just for us to have a happy life and to be normal? Nuh-uh, no way was I going to let that happen. Anyway, so here we are, me the disgraced daughter who doesn't want to be a bargaining chip while my dad appoints that man whore Matthew the new CEO!!!!! AARRGH!!!!!! I'm actually surprised by my Dad, he isn't the one that is forcing me to get married in fact he's against it, surprisingly it's my MUM who wants to force me into an arranged engagement! Seriously after all that it did for her?

She's forcing me to do the same thing she did, just to ruin another guy's heart when I commit the same mistake as her! There is NO way im getting married! Im only 17! Yet they're downstairs right now discussing it, when that's the time they should be using to talk about the business....i mean call me selfish or what ever but I don't give two shits about the company falling over and becoming like everyone else because I actually have already lived like that and I would rather be living a normal teenager's life then be married off to a CEO's whore of a son just to save our company from going bankrupt!!!!

But for you to understand that, I'm going to have to go back. Back to a couple of years ago, when everything was normal.....perfect even.....back to the very beginning........


hey I hope you enjoyed the Prologue!

I promise to publish soon! good luck to all of you writers and take care! also thanks everyone for reading this book still!

wishing you the best, GoldenFlinch

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