The Dome

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Hey guys, this is my first story. Please leave any comments below and tell me what you think.

The Dome

Silently I crouched in the corner of the darkened room, if my heart could beat it would have been as bad as screaming or running from danger, but my heart did not beat, only the faint fast beating of a small child’s heart could be heard. A small child that was mine, the one that I would run for as fast as my immortal body could carry her, away from the dangers that this new world that I had be born to, could run.

But I had been cornered, unable to get out of the situation in which I had been placed. An uncontrollable dread spread through my body, moving through my veins as I heard the door of the small room being opened. Knowing that they who were chasing, me were not human, that my child was in danger. Being her mother, I would fight so viciously and brutally in order to keep her small heart beating.

As the figures of the two men and one woman entered, a piercing growl from the back of my throat crept it's way to my lips and escaped from my body, echoing in the small room Yet none of the three that stood so unnaturally still seemed to be disturbed by the efforts I made, to show them how uncooperative I was being.

My stance was that of a black panther, so territorial with the added feel of the great need to protect. I was in a crouching position, so effortlessly balanced on my toes, ready to pounce to the nearest open window in a last attempt to escape. My left arm stretched out to let my fingers balance the rest of my body on the floor. My right arm folded behind my back protecting the sleeping child strapped into my cloak, unseen.

My eyes drifted from one to the other, searching for any sign of weakness, though only seconds had past, I felt like I had been looking for hours. I did however find a slight scent that I was familiar with, one that radiated off the mortals, whenever I was near, not of fear but of uncertainty of what my intentions were, or the reasons for my eyes that, to them seemed such an unnatural piercing green. But there was no reason for such worries with these three, they were like me. They could not feel unsure because of my eyes, but the fact that they were unsure of my intentions, made me feel a little bit of hope. Almost as instantly as I had come to this realisation, a deep growl escaped my lips again.

This time, the three moved slightly backwards toward the door. My eyes darted across the room to the window, as the thought of leaping out ran through my mind again, but my train of thought was compromised as the young girl who in one small leap, was at the window, slightly grinning at me as a scowl crossed my face.

There had been no sign of conversation from the three that now stood motionless over the only two exits, their stance was most definitely that of those who had no intentions of letting me out of this situation My body warmed slightly with the rising thoughts of the struggle that I was about to embark upon my last attempt to free myself and my child of this room that had become my jail.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2014 ⏰

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