Call Me Crazy

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Ever seen somebody so absolutely gorgeous it makes your heart hurt? Who can make your legs wobble when you see them? Who brightens your whole day just by breathing? To some that may sound like torture but to Ingram it's everyday life. Everyday Ingram, the captain of the football team, has to watched Kendall, captain of the debate team, go about her ife unaware of the effect she has on him. About once a week he gets up the nerve to talk to her but right before he can tell her how he feels one of them is whisked away. You'd think being the most popular guy in school he'd date a cheerleader but truth is, he could have a more meaningful conversation with a weed in a flower garden. The thing about cheerleaders being dumb as dirt is an understatement for the Starks High cheerleaders. He once watched one walk into a glass door three times before she realized it was there. Unlike the stereotype where they say all football players are jar-headed jerks Ingram prefers reading to partying. Call him crazy but he'd rather not be rejected from medical school because of something he doesn't even remember. Unlike most of the kids in his class he'd actually like to make it our their small town after graduation and not have to live with his parents for the rest of his life.

When the final bell rang that Friday everybody rushed out of the classrooms and headed fort heir lockers. All through the halls people were talking about Chance Taylor's party that night. Ingram heard all types of people talking about the party that night. It seemed as if everybody were going.

"Hey man, you coming to the party tonight?" asked a tall blonde guy.

"For sure wouldn't miss it for the world, Chance." Ingram told him smiling. He didn't tell him that the only reason he was going was because he hoped Kindell would be there.

"Wow, my parties must be pretty famous if it get Ingram Guatier out of the house." Chance said teasing him "Well see you tonight, bud."

Ingram made his way through the crowded parking lot towards his '65 Mustang convertible. Getting in he threw his backpack in the next seat and started the car. He smiled as the engine purred to life and he put it in gear speeding out of the parking lot avoiding cars and people in his way.

Pulling into his driveway he got out and headed upstairs to change clothes. Grabbing a pair of jeans and his lucky American Eagle button up he changed clothes and headed downstairs to get a box of JuJubes. Sailor was sitting on the kitchen counter reading Romeo and Juliet aloud very dramaticly. Anybody 'normal' person would think she had lost her mind but in truth Ingram's little sister was most sane when she was reading Shakespear. Sitting down with his Jujubes he listened to his sister read aloud and clapped when she finished the act.

"I don't understand why you use the book when we both know you can speak it all from memory." he said offering her some Jujubes.

"Well, you see I do so love the ancient smell of the books as I flip the pages. It just makes it more real somehow." She said popping the Jujubes in her mouth and getting off the counter. "So I see you're going to the party tonight." she noted loooking at his outfit.

"Yeah I haven't gone to one all year so I might as well start now." he said like it was no big deal.

"Right, of course by the use of your lucky shirt I take it Kindell will be there tonight. Maybe tonight you will have the balls to talk to her and tell her how you really feel instead of being a pansy." she laughed and leaned on the table.

"It's not as easy as it looks. I mean have you ever even talked to a guy outside of the drama club?" he asked her defensivly.

"Honey, why would I when I have all I need right there?" smiling she walked off "Good luck tonight. You're gonna need it." His twin's laughter echoed through the kitchen causing him to get up and leave the house.

Later that night he arrived at Chance's house and sat in his car for about ten minutes before he could get up the nerve to open the door. 'What if she is actually here and I freeze up or pass out or...expload.' he shook his head and opened the door getting out and walking up to the front door. He was greeted by Chance and Erin.

"We were wondering when you'd finally get up the nerve to get out of the car and join us." Erin said flipping her blonde hair out of her face.

"I was on the phone with Sailor. She needed to know how to use the microwave." he lied and walked passed them. They all thought his sister was crazy anyway so they didn't doubt this. He grabbed a drink and headed out back to the pool area and just as the french doors leading to the backyard came in sight so did something else. The party blurred away and all that was left was Ingram and the beautiful red head in front of him. Kindell was laughing and singing In The Next Room by Neon Trees which had started playing.

'Tonights the night. I can feel it. Tonight I'm going to tell Kindell how I truly feel about her.' Ingram thought as he walked towards the whole reason he was at the party and not at home reading Othello for the hundreth time.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 14, 2010 ⏰

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