Chapter 13

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Aadil's POV

It's been quite hectic week. First the conference. Which was a relief as we got the contract. I won't admit but it's all due to Nawal. Because of her we actually got the project. She really worked day and night. Not that I appreciate her, she's got a huge attitude problem. Not that I can handle. I know these type of people. Just praise for their work and they start to think as if they are the God. Although I'm not sure in the case of Nawal, maybe she might not be.....

Well, whatever. It's the same cycle. I start to believe at a thing which at the end? Surprise surprise....dissapoints me. So I like to think what my conscience tells me. Yeah - tell me I'm crazy and all shit - won't care until my doubt and thoughts are cleared by that person and yet Nawal hasn't done so. Anyway, from getting the project how it turned into family drama, I have no idea.


All of a sudden, Nawal's little sister comes to this picture. My blood was boiling and anger ranged when I heard her parents used to abuse her. I mean, look at her! She is that kind of person who loves and is loved by everyone. I can't even imagine how is she coping with all this BS drama. Now don't think that I'm in love with her or some sort of crap. Yeah I like her, in the sense of her work... yeahh that's it. Nothing is going to happen between us. But I do admit that I forget all of my past stuff and let the old me enjoy and spend time with her. Okay. Heck even I don't know what's happening with me. Ya Allah please guide me...

Seeing Nawal with her sister is...different. I can see this glow on her face whenever she sees Aziza. Like she was suffering being all alone, was waiting to give all her love to her siblings. The smile on her face remains when Aziza talks with her. And I gotta admire her. After all of the sufferings she got through, even at this age - she still is being optimistic towards Nawal. It's rare to see this. Wish I was like this in my past life...

You might be thinking, now what's wrong with me? Well.. I wasn't a practising muslim. I used to take drugs, not praying or reading Quran. Having tatooes all over my arms and chest, I don't even remember if I took alcohol during those days as I always felt I'm in other world, taking those drugs. Guess I was still a teen  - hardly 13 or 15. But it all changed, right infront of me. Hell, it happened because of me.


I guess I was drunk and drugged at the same time. Didn't give a damn about anything. I was at this 'hangout' place where they sell all types of drugs. I was on my way to home, and as I entered, there she was standing, waiting for me. I didn't even realized my mother or anybody to know about this. She stared at me with shock. Hell, even I was stunned to see her but due to drugs n dizziness, i couldn't care less and walked to my room. "Aadil. Stop right there!" She said with her usual tone when she is going to whoop somebody's butt. I rolled my eyes but stopped and waited for her to approach. "What is this son? Is this how you are wasting money on? Getting wasted and- oh my god! You are drinking alcohol?! Are u freaking kidding me?? Alcohol is HARAM in islam. And so does all of this crap you do!" Now she started screaming and caused much more headache.

"Mum, chill. It's not a big deal. My friends do it and so I. Besides, who cares about whatever shit you are saying? peacefully." I said with much irritated and anger as I couldn't take her words. To say she was shock would be an understatement. She was fuming with anger. "That's it boy! If you can't handle this, I'll do it in my way." She started dragging me downstairs and immediately I knew she's throwing me out. Is she for real? I tried taking my hands of her steel grips but I was totally failing. Arab parents and their power... I was in so much anger that I didn't even realized I pushed her so hard she fell towards the coffee table and before I came to my sense and stop her, she already fell, with glass shards sticking in her scalp and her back. I froze at that time. Seeing blood everywhere. She was closing her eyes and before that she started saying. I dashed to her and kept her head on my lap, crying. "Ummi! Mum please don't do this! I'm sorry. You can't leave me like this. Hold on. I'll call ambulance and everything is gonna be alright okay?" I was hardly saying as my cries kept louder and it stopped me from talking. "I swear I'll leave everything. I love you Ummi! You can't just...can't just," I can't even say those words as I was shaking terribly and kept on crying. Due to my loud cries my family woke up and came to living room, seeing the scene infront of them froze them all. Slowly dad recovered from his state and rushed to my mum with tears falling from his face, "Noora...Noora be strong habibti." Somebody call the damn ambulance 'ya hammar'! "Noora? Can you hear my wifey? You need to be strong okay? You only can handle me the way I'm. Without you, I will die. Please don't..just don't." At this time he too started sobbing loudly and was shaking my mum as she was getting unconcious again and again. He knew if she does that, it'll affect her. As his brother is a doctor, he knows bit of the stuff of emergency. As soon as my elder brother Mohsin called ambulance, they came on time. They took stretcher and placed my mum carefully. I was holding her hands all the while to the hospital. Mum called me out and said, "Aad, remember. I always love you. I will alway..always want good for you. So....sorry if I dissapointed-d  y-you." With that she closed her eyes. I screamed, calling her again and again. no no! I can't let her die like this! Hell no! I started shaking her while the nurse was checking if she really was de.... I don't even want to say that word. Oh Allah! If I ever did good, slightest, tiny good deed, please, please don't let her die.

And as  if my dua was heard, the nurse told she can still feel her pulse. I never cried in joy as I did that day. Quickly we reached the hospital and they started the operation. I kept praying to Allah that I will become a better person. Be a better muslim and not this disgusting person I am right now. Just please save my love, my life. Please....

Not even realizing it was 9 am in the morning, I kept pacing back and forth. My dad and bro just stood at one place. The doctors finally came after 2 hours surgery. I rushed to him and asked,"Doc, how is she? She is fine right? I know there's alot of blood loss. I can donate my blood. Our blood group is same. Just tell me how is she damnitt!" I started crying again as he stood with sympathy on his face.

"Don't worry son. Your mother is totally fine." The second I heard him saying my mum is alright, I hugged him. Maybe too tightly and repeated 'thank you's' again and again. When I was done with this, he was smiling but with sadness in his eyes. That got making me confuse. "Doctor? She is alright. You just said that. Right? Then what happened?" He kept his hand on my shoulder giving a slight squeeze before saying,

"She is in coma son...."


"Brother, why are you crying?" Aziza asked with concerned look on her face. Even I didnt the tears were rolling from my eyes. I quickly wiped them and smiled at her. During these days, she, without asking my permission started calling me brother or big bro. Nawal did scolded her as she didn't asked me but I was totally fine with it. Infact I feel happy, as she thinks me as her elder brother. "Nothing sweety. Just remembering past stuff. Come on, have a seat." I motioned her towards the sofa I was sitting. She came quickly and sat beside me. And without saying or warning, she engulfed me into her ever-so classic bear hugs she gives to Nawal. I was shook but quickly got out of it and kept my palm over her head, caressing it. I was bit worried now. "Hey sista, everything okay?" I guess she realized I was getting worried and she pulled herself and started,

"Just wanted to hug you. Think this was my thanks for helping me and for supporting Nawi sis. I can't even state how much you mean to me. In this short period of time, you feel like the elder brother I never had. So thank u akhi." She said it with so much sincerity and tears forming in her eyes, even I couldn't handle myself so I hugged her. I never had small brother or sister. Just cousins that we met occasionally. "Hey. Don't cry Azi-the bravi. God. I even suck at keeping nicknames." I heard her muffled giggles. "I'm honoured I could help such a strong person. Remember, always and always be strong. Never give up on your dreams or wishes. They might take time but they will eventually happen." Like I'm waiting for my mum to finally come out of coma after all these years...

Wiping my tears I pulled her away and a question came to my mind, "Isn't it like - you know not allowed to touch any guy in islam?" Seeing my reaction and question, she laughed and when she stopped, she said, "I just said it now. You are my elder brother. So, can't I hug my big bro?" And started to laugh again. After a while I too joined her and when I stopped I saw Nawal standing there, face filled with so much emotions - sad,happy,emotional. But above them all, it was love. Love for her sister. And when she looked at me, she looked with that same expression- love? What does that mean?  She quickly hid that emotion and now her face was becoming bright red as I caught her staring at me. Seeing that I started to laugh again, making tired and water running from her face Aziza to join me again..


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