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This is another one based off of a song! This was requested by @UndeadSisters!

Warnings: Profanity and fighting

I feel like this is trash, I am so sorry. I didn't know how to end it... Rip!

Words: 1441

Don't try to explain your mind
I know what's happening here
One minute, it's love
And, suddenly, it's like a battlefield

"Y/N! I already told you! You can't expect me to do everything for you! I can't be held responsible for missing one of our, dates, if an important meeting comes up!" Thranduil yells, throwing his hands up in exasperation.

"You promised me that you wouldn't miss this one! It's our anniversary Thranduil! Our fucking anniversary! My own husband, the king, stood me up tonight!" I cry out, my cheeks now stained with tears and the mascara I had been wearing, "I am sick and tired of you making a fool out of me!"

One word turns into a war
Why is it the smallest things that tear us down
My world's nothing when you're gone
I'm out here without a shield, can't go back, now

"Then just leave!" He yells, pushing me back causing me to stumble back and fall to my knees, I look up at him, wiping the tears out of my eyes, nodding,

"Fine," I mutter, ripping off the ring he had given me centuries before and throwing it to his feet,

"Consider us done. Have fun explaining this to Legolas." I seethe, running out of the chambers he and I had shared and to the stables. I quickly get onto a horse, looking back at the one place I had called home for the last time, before starting the horse on its long journey towards Rivendell.

Both hands tied behind my back for nothing, oh no
These times when we climb so fast to fall, again
Why we gotta fall for it, now

Thranduil stood in his chambers, frozen with grief and guilt after the event that had just taken place. He had lost you. The mother of his son, his queen, his everything. Thranduil looked to his feet, the ring he had given at your wedding laying there, one of the diamonds had fallen out during the impact. Thranduil could feel himself choking up as he bent down to scoop up the silver band, holding it tightly in his hand.

"I must find her." He whispers, turning towards the door you had run out of, making his way to the head guard.

I never meant to start a war
You know, I never wanna hurt you
Don't even know we're fighting for
Why does love always feel like a battlefield, a battlefield, a battlefield
Why does love always feel like a battlefield, a battlefield, a battlefield
Why does love always feel like

I had made it to Rivendell days ago. Elrond had welcomed me with open arms, making sure I was taken care of. His daughter Arwen would fill me in with events that had happened recently. The newest is a group of dwarves, a wizard, and a hobbit visiting, wanting to reclaim their homeland. I merely scoffed at the thought of the dwarves regaining control over Erebor.

"How are you and Thranduil?" She asked one day, causing me to nearly break down at that moment at the mention of his name,

"We got in a fight. I left." I mutter, a gasp escaping her lips,

"Oh, dear! Why?" She asks,

"He canceled our anniversary date. I was going to tell him I was with child again, but, a silly meeting about the spiders on the borders of the kingdom was more important than his wife." I choke out, turning to her with tears down my cheeks. Her lips turn into a frown as she pulls me towards her, hugging me tightly,

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