Cross My Heart (If I Had One): 1 - Found You

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So this is the TJAI sequel/spin-off. And for Adam+Cass fans, don't fret! Cass is still in here! If anything she's in the top 4 maybe 5 main cast. For Jace fans, don't fret! Jace is still in here too. He's also in the main 4/5 cast. Thank you SO much. I hope you'll enjoy this as much as you enjoyed TJAI. This is set A YEAR AFTER they broke up. So, Cass = 18 (starting Uni) and Adam =19 (Sophomore in Uni).




Death Dealer? What is that? Well, I'll say it's what, or who, I am. I'll say that it is me. I am it. Four years and counting, that I've been one. Four years and counting since I'd been turned. To go into detail will take too long. But it is simple. Not as simple as a bite like werewolves (they're real, but I'll never meet one) or a blood transfusion/bite like a vampire (apparently they're myths but werewolves are real, so why not?).

Basically, in the simplest terms I can manage, your heart is carved out. Usually, your soul comes through that hole, but it is held inside, to keep you going, to keep you alive. To make you a Death Dealer. That is also how we Feed. How we deal with death. We kill someone, but instead of being careful we can just rip their heart out. We wait until the soul is out then we eat it (or breathe it in, since it's more of a gas than a solid) rather than keep it in. Those are the basics. That's what I am. A Death Dealer. I deal with death.



I could hear her. That taunting, teasing tone. That low, enticing voice. She was telling me something. She was calling out my name.

"Emmaline. Emmaline," she whispered. I kept my eyelids shut, pretending to be asleep. Believe me, she was one Death Dealer you didn't need to talk to.

"I heard from a little birdy that you're looking for someone. Guess what? I found him. Does the name Adam Kingsley remind you of your quest to find him?"

I sat up, looking at her angelic face framed with wispy blonde hair. If anything she was the perfect example of looks that are deceiving. She had cherubic, pink cheeks and a fabulous smile. Her eyes were large and round; innocent some would say.

She smiled at me or was it her trademark smirk? "All I need is a small favour. I mean, he IS on Earth."

I exhaled. All my years of searching and it had come down to this. Doing favours for a newbie Death Dealer. Man am I moving forward in life.

"What's the favour, Tara?"

She smiled. Truly smiled this time. Except, unlike smiles on angelic faces, it showed nothing but evil scheming and the craziness we all knew was in her.


The train bumped, making the noise that trains made as it ran along the track. I was on my way to Macquari University, New South Wales, Australia. He was there. I remember his shiny blonde hair and cool blue eyes. His scrawny little body that made it impossible for him to keep seeing as how he ate about three times as much as I did. But he wouldn't look like that now. After all, I hadn't seen him since we were nine.

I hadn't been out of the Cage since I was turned. Not since I was fifteen. That means four years. Four years without seeing proper daylight. Four years of training to become an adept and quick hunter. Four years of looking for him. Four years of knowing what really happened.

A man sat in front of me. But he was more of a boy than a man. He had spiked brown hair and these crazy green eyes. He sat in jeans and a t-shirt. A little thin for the cold weather today. He caught me looking at him and looked up, smiling.

Cross My Heart (If I Had One) - The Jerk and I Sequel (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now