Chapter Three: How to Save A Life

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~back to Cas~
Castiel was going to his car when he saw his brother and a taller gentleman that seem rather a bit too close to be friends. I'm not one to judge, thought Castiel. He has someone he wants to be with as well, but he doesn't really have the courage to tell, let alone show them his true feelings. Oh, Dr. Winchester. Perhaps the sexiest man alive, yet was the most caring doctor anyone could ask for.

Anyways, that's enough of that. Cas had the strongest pain in the back of his head and thought that a nice siesta should help calm it down. Maybe that would also be good for his chest pains. Now, had he known he was in more trouble with his health than he had thought, he would be half way to the hospital by now. However, Cas thought it would cause more trouble to the hospital if he were to complain of pain; well, he didn't want to disturb a specific individual from his important job as a heart surgeon/doctor.

Cas pulled into his drive way and parked the car. He opened the car door and right as he was going to get up, his vision went wayward. He saw double and everything was rocking back and forth. He thought that maybe he should call a non emergency line to ask what precautions he should take. Unlocking the door, he stumbled in while trying to maintain balance. He fell face first into the carpet. He sight started to blur and his breathing started to lessen. Now he knew that he was in deep trouble. His mind was reeling in what to do at that moment. He couldn't call his brother because Gabriel would just end up in a frenzy and might even cause him more pain. The non emergency line might not get there in time....
There was only one person he could call and, although he'd hate himself forever for being a nuisance, he truly needed professional help.

He reached into his pocket to get his phone and dialed the number as fast as his fingers could drag along the shiny surface. He couldn't even see his screen clearly anymore. He tried to press the call button out of memory.
He waited for a minute, one agonizing minute at that, until Dean finally answered.
"Hello, Doctor Dean Winchester speaking.." he answered happily.
"Dean...... it's...C-Castiel..... Novak........ Need...... Help!" Castiel shuddered as the pain grew more intense. On the other side of the line, Dean was panicking. He knew that Castiel was in trouble but didn't know how to get to him.
"Oh my God, Cas! Hey! Whatever you do, don't sleep! Don't close your eyes!"   "............." 
" Cas?......... CASTIEL!.... FUCK!"
Dean hung up the phone and dialed 911 while he was running down to records.

" 911, What's your emerg-"
"This is Dr. Dean Winchester and I am calling in concern of a patient of mine - I believe he had a epileptic episode, his address is .... 1242 Waltonism Drive. Please hurry, he passed out he told me he needed help." Dean rushed. "Alright, two officers are on their way, with an ambulance-"
" THANK YOU!" Dean then got to the parking lot, got into his Impala, and sped off out of the lot. Thankfully, Castiel lived somewhat close to the hospital. It was unlucky that the closest police station was 2-3 miles out. He had to move quickly because he knew that dispatch would only contact the ambulance on arrival which maybe to late.

He arrived at Castiel's house, got his APT, exited out his car, and saw that the front door was wide open. Dean ran in and saw Cas on the floor, reaching towards the phone. Dean quickly got him up and start to do the process of CPR. "Hey! Cas? Cas!" He worried that he might have been too late, and that perhaps he could have prevent this to happen. Dean blamed himself for this outcome, that it was his fault because he let him go too early.
He resumed the process and noticed that he wasn't breathing. He started press repetitions and breaths, hoping that each press was giving Cas a better chance of living.

Right as Dean was going to start to pick him up and help him to the hospital himself, mid breath, Castiel woke up. He took a deep breath in and out, Dean was so happy that Castiel was breathing that he kissed Cas. It didn't register in Castiel's mind of what Dean was doing until he tried getting up. That's when he noticed Dean was no longer giving him mouth to mouth, but rather kissing him. Dean didn't noticed that Cas woke up until Cas had moved slightly.

Dean got up really quickly, but still mere inches from Castiel's face.
" I'm so sorry, I am just so glad that your-" Castiel cut him off with his lips locking to Dean's once more. Dean is shocked and a little embarrassed. Castiel released Dean and chuckled, " I think you have to buy me dinner now."
Dean sighed playfully, "How does hospital lunch food sound?"
"That sounds lovely."

The ambulance finally came and Dean rode with Cas. Dean looked at Cas with a conflicting look. "What is it now?" Cas questioned.
"Well, until you get well, I might have to live with you. Y-You know, just in case it happens again." Dean blushed. " I mean, I wouldn't mind. But you'd have to talk to my brother about that," Cas chuckled.

"I think I can handle him" Dean joked.

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